July 31, 2008
when run jface example ShowFieldPrefs.d, cause run time exception:

Exception occurred
Exception of type tango.core.Exception.IOException in (0): unexpected '\' charac
ter in path: D:\my documents

how to fix this?

env: dwt-win svn, dwtx svn, tango svn.


yidabu <yidabu.spam@gmail.com> http://www.dsource.org/projects/dwin

D 语言-中文(D Chinese): http://www.d-programming-language-china.org/ http://bbs.d-programming-language-china.org/ http://dwin.d-programming-language-china.org/ http://scite4d.d-programming-language-china.org/

August 01, 2008
yidabu schrieb:
> when run jface example ShowFieldPrefs.d, cause run time exception:
> Exception occurred
> Exception of type tango.core.Exception.IOException in (0): unexpected '\' charac
> ter in path: D:\my documents
> how to fix this?
> env: dwt-win svn, dwtx svn, tango svn.
> thanks.

I applied your suggested fix. The showfieldpref example seem to work now.
Thanks yidabu