May 21, 2002
What about the extreme cases where there are 2 or more declarations of differn't case for the same name? Does it give you an option or warning?

"Pavel Minayev" <> wrote in message news:acb3pj$kf2$
> "anderson" <> wrote in message news:acaui6$f8v$
> > You probably won't read this (stuck in the middle of this old email),
> my
> > suggestion would be to put case-senstivity in the error message as some
> ada
> > versions did. When a variable/functions definion is not found, suggest
> > alternative in the error message.
> >
> > ie
> > "Variable not found. Did you mean ...."
> >
> > I found that quite helpful, and a smart IDE could take this further.
> A good idea, it is. As for the IDE, well, Visual Assist successfully fixes such errors on the fly, as you type identifiers in the editor. So cwindow becomes CWindow, etc

May 21, 2002
"anderson" <> wrote in message news:accfii$1rme$

> What about the extreme cases where there are 2 or more declarations of differn't case for the same name? Does it give you an option or warning?

The compiler (MSVC) doesn't. The IDE just don't do any automatic fixes
in such a case.

Also, you really shouldn't propose Walter to add warnings - he hates 'em. =)

May 21, 2002
Sorry, I was talking about the IDE Visual Assist , and it wasn't a proposal, it was a question. I know VB does something simular, but it's case-insentitive to start with.

"Pavel Minayev" <> wrote in message news:accfsn$1rq9$
> "anderson" <> wrote in message news:accfii$1rme$
> > What about the extreme cases where there are 2 or more declarations of differn't case for the same name? Does it give you an option or warning?
> The compiler (MSVC) doesn't. The IDE just don't do any automatic fixes
> in such a case.
> Also, you really shouldn't propose Walter to add warnings - he hates 'em.

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