April 21, 2023

I'm trying to update an app from an older version of Vibe.d to a newer version that supports modern Mongo (0.9.7-alpha2)

I'm replacing an older call to collection.update() to collection.updateOne() instead. I had to change the options parameter to an updated struct, and it now compiles, but I'm getting a runtime error:

Passed in a regular document into a place where only updates are expected. Maybe you want to call replaceOne instead? (this update call would otherwise replace the entire matched object with the passed in update object)

On this command

_reviews.updateOne(["name" : reviewee], ["$push" : ["reviews" : ins]], options);

The code (https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe.d/blob/a1122a0d5c2e1a19ab6fe318cb47784b76d29336/mongodb/vibe/db/mongo/collection.d#L319) looks like it's checking the query part (the first parameter) to find a dollar sign to tell that it's an update, not a document, but I don't understand why. This looks like the queries I see in the mongo doc as well as the mongo session store in vibe: https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe.d/blob/83208ee8d824e28f3e35042e0425026765e47d12/mongodb/vibe/db/mongo/sessionstore.d#L101

Any idea what's going wrong?

April 24, 2023

On Friday, 21 April 2023 at 20:46:36 UTC, Ben Jones wrote:


I'm trying to update an app from an older version of Vibe.d to a newer version that supports modern Mongo (0.9.7-alpha2)


Update: https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe.d/pull/2729