Hi All,
My problem is actually about the new
operator. As far as I know, we cannot overload it. Therefore, all the operators that I use to create arrays with basic types work fine, but I need an extra struct Array to use it in my own type (struct Payload in the example).
Is there a simpler way to use the +=
and ~=
operators on an array of my own type?
struct Array(T)
T* ptr;
size_t length;
ref auto opIndex(size_t i)
=> ptr[i];
ref auto opIndex()
=> this;
auto opSlice(size_t beg, size_t end)
=> Array(&ptr[beg], end - beg);
void opOpAssign(string op)(int rhs)
if(op == "+")
foreach(i; 0..length)
ptr[i] += rhs;
void opOpAssign(string op)(string rhs)
if(op == "~")
foreach(i; 0..length)
ptr[i] ~= rhs;
auto toString(ToSink sink) const
const limit = length - 1;
foreach(i; 0..limit)
sink.fmt("%s, ", ptr[i]);
sink.fmt("%s]", ptr[limit]);
struct Payload(T)
string id;
T value;
alias opCall this;
this(T x) { value = x; }
auto opCall(T x)
=> value = x;
auto opCall() inout
=> value;
auto opOpAssign(string op : "+")(T x)
=> value += x;
auto opOpAssign(string op : "~")(string x)
=> id ~= x;
auto toString(ToSink sink) const
=> sink.fmt("%s: %s", id, value);
alias ToSink = void delegate(const(char)[]);
import std.stdio, std.format: fmt = formattedWrite;
alias Type =
enum len = 4;
void main()
auto arr = new Type[len];
arr[] += Type(1);
if(!is(Type == int))
arr[] += cast(Type)1;
auto payloads = Array!Type(arr.ptr, arr.length);
foreach(i; 0..len)
payloads[i] = i + 1;
payloads[] += 4;
static if(!is(Type == int))
foreach(i, str; ["beş", "altı", "yedi", "sekiz"])
payloads[i].id = str;
payloads[] ~= " sayısı";
Playground: https://run.dlang.io/is/qKKSok
Also please try and remove comment on line 74...