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 | Posted by NotYouAgain in reply to Daniel N | Permalink Reply |
Posted in reply to Daniel N
| On Saturday, 27 April 2024 at 09:25:13 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
> This is an alternative to "private(this)".
> ..
private(this) is trying a very specific problem - that can be demonstrated in the contrived code further below.
That is, anyone other than the author will not know whether a mistake is in this code.
Maybe even the author will miss it ;-(
If there is a mistake, the compiler will be of no help here.
But what is certain, most programmers who look at this code will not know whether a mistake is being made or not. And it precisely because oop in D is really mop (module-oriented-programming).
D does however, provide a means to illude oo programmers into thinking they're doing oop, if they put each class in its own module, with no other code whatsoever. This makes the type a strong type, with compiler enforced guarantees, and it gives you the illusion that you're doing oop.
But there is no more easier to grasp, easier to implement solution here, other than private(this).
D claims to support oop, but when you really look into it, it's really mop, with the silly burden it places on you, that you have to put a class in its own module if your want oop like guarantees.
How would your alterative compare to private(this) in the code below?
class ClassWithPrivateField
private int privateField; // actually, I really wanted to do 'private(this)' here.
this() { this.privateField = 42; }
class Subclass : ClassWithPrivateField
private int subPrivateField;
this.subPrivateField = 23;
this.privateField = 52; // mmm .. this may or may not be a mistake.
// without private(this) you cannot know.
// you could use convention, but we all know
// how well that scales ;-)