May 18, 2005
1. 	app = app_new_app(cast(int)args.length, cast(char*[])args);

Here, I have to convert the argument char[][] args to char*[] because the function expects a char*[]. I feel the way I am doing it is wrong.

2. app_on_window_redraw(w, cast(WindowDrawFunc)&draw_ellipses);

here , WindowDrawFunc is defined in app.d as
typedef void (*WindowDrawFunc)  (Window *w, Graphics *g);
and draw_ellipses is a function that fits this type, but still I had to convert
it because the compiler complained.

When I run the compiler like above I get

ellipses.o(.data+0x30): undefined reference to `_ModuleInfo_3app'
ellipses.o(.data+0x34): undefined reference to `_ModuleInfo_8app_help'
ellipses.o(.gnu.linkonce.t_D8ellipses13draw_ellipsesF.... In function
: undefined reference to `_D8app_help4rectFiiiiZS3app4Rect'
ellipses.o(.gnu.linkonce.t_Dmain+0x4b): In function `_Dmain':
: undefined reference to `_D8app_help4rectFiiiiZS3app4Rect'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

however, when I use
dmd ellipses.d app_help.d app.d -L-lapp -L-lglib -L-lX11
It compiles :
gcc ellipses.o app_help.o app.o -o ellipses -lphobos -lpthread -lm -Xlinker
-lapp -Xlinker -lglib -Xlinker -lX11

And I get an executable ellipse. Running it results in :
bash-2.05b$ ./ellipses
Segmentation fault

When I use dmd ellipses.d app_help.d -L-lapp -L-lglib -L-lX11 I get

ellipses.o(.data+0x30): undefined reference to `_ModuleInfo_3app'
app_help.o(.data+0x30): undefined reference to `_ModuleInfo_3app'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I really depend on u people to get this working. I would love to use D.
The graphapp lib is really nice and should be easy to convert. Maybe there
is a skilled D-hacker who wants to spent some minutes on converting the header ?
It would be a great input for the community (A lightweight C-stile API for GUIS
and image loading/saving manipulation)

Regards, Oliver