Thread overview
Re: Are foreign language forums really needed for general programming project like D?
Dec 19
Dec 19
Dec 26
Jan 25
December 19

On Tuesday, 19 December 2023 at 12:13:15 UTC, BoQsc wrote:


By the way I'm not a native english speaker and I never felt like it makes any sense to talk about programming in my own language or even semi-mixed language with english. All these things just add unecessary complexity and we already have complex problems to solve.

English isn't equally easy to master for everyone. The difficulty largely depends on how much it differs from your native language. And Turkey is listed in the "Low Proficiency" category at

I expect that many people from Turkey may find the English part of the forum difficult to understand. And rather than pushing them away, it's much better to give them a comfortable place to discuss D language. I see no problems with that.

December 19

On Tuesday, 19 December 2023 at 12:13:15 UTC, BoQsc wrote:


I would like to know why would anyone use their own native langauge instead of more widely used one for engineering or programming in general. This feels counter-intuitive, counter-productive and strange. I think if everyone used a single language, it would be more beneficial for everyone when dealing with problems. Now it seems like this Turkish forum isolates knowledge to themselves and you won't access it without a correct translation.

Morever this forum takes considerable amount of space visual space in the dlang forum UI if you measure it for the long term.

That's all I've had on my mind right now.

By the way I'm not a native english speaker and I never felt like it makes any sense to talk about programming in my own language or even semi-mixed language with english. All these things just add unecessary complexity and we already have complex problems to solve.

"you won't access it without a correct translation."
The same happens if you are not good at english, you may need to translate english into your language and your language into english, which may give you bad results and make it harder for both you and others on english forum.

December 19

On Tuesday, 19 December 2023 at 12:13:15 UTC, BoQsc wrote:


I would like to know why would anyone use their own native langauge instead of more widely used one for engineering or programming in general. This feels counter-intuitive, counter-productive and strange. I think if everyone used a single language, it would be more beneficial for everyone when dealing with problems. Now it seems like this Turkish forum isolates knowledge to themselves and you won't access it without a correct translation.

Morever this forum takes considerable amount of space visual space in the dlang forum UI if you measure it for the long term.

That's all I've had on my mind right now.

By the way I'm not a native english speaker and I never felt like it makes any sense to talk about programming in my own language or even semi-mixed language with english. All these things just add unecessary complexity and we already have complex problems to solve.

I agree, it would be better to have a unified place instead of a segregated one

There should however be multiple languages for the UI/homepage

December 21

On Tuesday, 19 December 2023 at 12:13:15 UTC, BoQsc wrote:


Morever this forum takes considerable amount of space visual space in the dlang forum UI if you measure it for the long term.

That's all I've had on my mind right now.

Dikkatlerden kaçan 2 konu var:

1.'si, zaten ortak dilimiz olan D Programming üzerine konuşuyoruz. Dolayısıyla konuşma dilinin hiçbir önemi yok.

2.'si, D'nin beğenilmesi dünyada bile %1'in altında olması. Türkiye'de ise işler daha kötü!

In English:

There are two issues that escape attention: 1st, we are talking about D Programming, which is our common language. Therefore, spoken language does not matter.

2nd, D's popularity is below 1% even in the world. In Turkiye, things are worse!


December 26

On Tuesday, 19 December 2023 at 12:13:15 UTC, BoQsc wrote:


I would like to know why would anyone use their own native langauge instead of more widely used one for engineering or programming in general.

“Heart is sea,
language is shore.
Whatever sea includes,
will hit the shore.”
― Rumi

If you apply for an engineering job in Turkiye, they may ask you if you know a foreign language.

Their first request is for you to develop an application. If they find this application appealing, you may receive an invitation for an interview.

Imagine that you are in the process of developing a robot software. Is it a concern if Japanese variables are used in this software?


Now it seems like this Turkish forum isolates knowledge to themselves and you won't access it without a correct translation.

The Turkish forum was once active when it had its own page in Turkiye.


January 25

On Tuesday, 19 December 2023 at 12:13:15 UTC, BoQsc wrote:


I would like to know why would anyone use their own native langauge instead of more widely used one for engineering or programming in general.

I once used my native language for this purpose. It felt natural, just like I use it IRL. I still don't know english equivalent for that site, well, there's stackoverlow, but stackoverlow is cancer, and recently people have their own forums for some reason and don't try to put everything in SO or reddit.


Now it seems like this Turkish forum isolates knowledge to themselves and you won't access it without a correct translation.

lol, I don't think many people read the Learn section cover to cover.

February 22

On Tuesday, 19 December 2023 at 12:13:15 UTC, BoQsc wrote:


I would like to know why would anyone use their own native langauge instead of more widely used one for engineering or programming in general. This feels counter-intuitive, counter-productive and strange. I think if everyone used a

To do this in a foreign language forum is bordering with insulting. It is equal to me coming to the English (default) forum (pick any such here), and asking the same nonsense you are asking here in Serbian or Swedish (I speak both on regular basis). I would be very happy to have a forum where I could discuss "D things" in Serbian or Swedish, for the record.

We are social beings, we like to speak about things we do with other people in the same language we use regularly. Turkiye has a large D community, so it absolutely makes sense for these people to speak their native language among themselves. I am 100% sure you are smart enough to understand this, so I wonder what is really your motivation to start this thread?