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Windows interface
Jul 02, 2006
Karl Bochert
Jul 03, 2006
Don Clugston
July 02, 2006
I have been attempting to access the windows api from D, and there seem to be api calls missing from

I have added to phobos:
export   HANDLE GetStdHandle(DWORD dev);
export   DWORD GetConsoleTitle(LPSTR buf, DWORD len);
export   BOOL AllocConsole();

but when I compile a program using them, I get from the linker:
Error 42: Symbol Undefined _GetConsoleTitle@8

Why does GetConsoleTitle() fail when the other 2 don't??

July 02, 2006
Karl Bochert wrote:
> I have been attempting to access the windows api from D, and there seem to be
> api calls missing from
> I have added to phobos:
> export   HANDLE GetStdHandle(DWORD dev);
> export   DWORD GetConsoleTitle(LPSTR buf, DWORD len);
> export   BOOL AllocConsole();
> but when I compile a program using them, I get from the linker:
> winapp.obj(winapp)
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined _GetConsoleTitle@8
> Why does GetConsoleTitle() fail when the other 2 don't??

Simple.  Because there is no such function as GetConsoleTitle().  There are, however, both GetConsoleTitleA() for ANSI and GetConsoleTitleW() for Unicode.  This is a common implementation detail throughout the Win32 API.  In C/C++ there is a macro defined for each such function as the base name without the ANSI/Unicode suffix, as nothing more than a transparent wrap to one of the implementations.

Something like:

void SomeFuncA(HANDLE, LPSTR);
void SomeFuncW(HANDLE, LPWSTR);

#ifdef _UNICODE_
#define SomeFunc(_A, _B) SomeFuncW(_A, _B)
#define SomeFunc(_A, _B) SomeFuncA(_A, _B)

Simply change your additions to the following:
# export { extern (Windows) {
#   BOOL   AllocConsole     (            ) ;
#   DWORD  GetConsoleTitleA (LPSTR, DWORD) ;
#   HANDLE GetStdHandle     (DWORD       ) ;
# }}

Note that you don't neccessarily need the 'export' attribute -- so far as I am aware anyhow -- and also that you don't have to add these to Phobos.  Instead, you may declare them in an import module in your own project.

-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls
July 03, 2006
Karl Bochert wrote:
> I have been attempting to access the windows api from D, and there seem to be
> api calls missing from
> I have added to phobos:
> export   HANDLE GetStdHandle(DWORD dev);
> export   DWORD GetConsoleTitle(LPSTR buf, DWORD len);
> export   BOOL AllocConsole();
> but when I compile a program using them, I get from the linker:
> winapp.obj(winapp)
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined _GetConsoleTitle@8
> Why does GetConsoleTitle() fail when the other 2 don't??
There are many windows APIs missing from Phobos. A relatively complete windows API is available from the Bindings project at
(It's a work-in-progress, but already quite usable).