September 11, 2006
First of all: I know that giving good anweres ( to sometimes silly questions) is requireing patience and  takes a lot of time. So I can't repeat it enough : Thank you !

I have to translate the following pieces of code into D. (Btw : The following  code describes exactly why I hate C++)

#ifndef __CENTRAL_H
#define __CENTRAL_H

	#include <tchar.h>
	#define XCHAR		TCHAR
	#define _X(txt)		__T(txt)
	#define PXSTR		LPTSTR
	#define XRC			_X("\r\n")			// retour а la ligne
	#define STRCPY		_tcscpy
	#define STRICMP		_tcsicmp

	#if defined(__BORLANDC__)
		#define NOVTABLE
		#define NOVTABLE  __declspec(novtable)
#ifdef __HFCONTEXT_H
#define WDFINHF	if (gclHF.piGetHFContext() != NULL){gclHF.piGetHFContext()->nExternalRelease();char ** pgclHF = (char **)((char *)&gclHF + sizeof(void*));*pgclHF = NULL;}
#define WDTerm	WDFINHF;WDTerm

#endif //#ifndef __CENTRAL_H

My primary problem is : How to handle the tchar.h stuff . Any hints are welcome.


Next : The following code makes me really happy!
All I understand at the moment is that - Cpp class code is generated and the methods (generated by PROXY_METHOD) should be defined - in D -  as extern(Windows).
My question :  Will using  : dmc -c proyy.h -e -l  help?  Again, ANY hinst are welcome.


ifndef __PROXY_H
#define __PROXY_H

	#include "central.h"

	#define PROXY_DECLARE(proxy)											\
				typedef class I##proxy* PI##proxy;							\
				class NOVTABLE I##proxy { public:
	#define PROXY_DECLARE_V(proxy,version,compat_since)						\
				static const int proxy##_PROXY_VERSION=version;				\
				static const int proxy##_PROXY_COMPAT_SINCE=compat_since;	\
				typedef class I##proxy* PI##proxy;							\
				class NOVTABLE I##proxy : public IStdVersion { public:
	#define PROXY_METHOD(type,proxy,method,args)		virtual type __stdcall I##proxy::method args =0;
	#define PROXY_EMPTY_METHOD(proxy)				 _PROXY_EMPTY_METHOD_BEG(proxy,__LINE__)
	#define _PROXY_EMPTY_METHOD_BEG(proxy,line)		virtual void I##proxy::_PROXY_EMPTY_METHOD_END(EmptySlot,line) () {}
	#define _PROXY_EMPTY_METHOD_END(method,line)		method##line
	#define PROXY_STDVERSION_METHODS(proxy)							\
				PROXY_METHOD(int,proxy,nGetVersion,())				\
				PROXY_METHOD(int,proxy,nGetCompatSince,())			\
				PROXY_METHOD(int,proxy,nGetDllNum,())				\
				virtual void I##proxy::StdVersion_EmptySlot_1() {}	\
				virtual void I##proxy::StdVersion_EmptySlot_2() {}	\
				virtual void I##proxy::StdVersion_EmptySlot_3() {}
	#define PROXY_END					};


#endif //#ifndef __PROXY_H
September 12, 2006
The _X() and _T() macros need not be converted. D will automatically interpret a string constant as ascii (actually utf8!) or wide (utf16) depending on the variable. You should use alias for the XCHAR (and TCHAR) type:

// this should be in a translated tchar.h
version(UNICODE) {
alias wchar TCHAR;
alias strcpy _tcscpy;
} else {
alias ubyte TCHAR;//note that 'char' implies utf8
alias wcscpy _tcscpy;

alias _tcscpy STRCPY;
const XCHAR[] XRC = "\r\n";

I've only seen your TCHAR/XCHAR stuff, so can't comment on the rest.
