January 09, 2008
I am passing of FORTRAN for D, but I have problem to read (access direct)
binary file.
In FORTRAN I make:

real*4 x,wl,alfa //declaration real numbers
//open binary file
read(10,*) x, wl, alfa //reading the numbers of file binary

Or I can read everything that will be inside of file:

do j=1,nt
    read(10,*) x(j) //vector

Can you help me please?
January 09, 2008
Reply to Jef,

> Hi,
> I am passing of FORTRAN for D, but I have problem to read (access
> direct)
> binary file.
> In FORTRAN I make:
> real*4 x,wl,alfa //declaration real numbers
> OPEN(UNIT=10,FILE="file.ad",form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=le
> //open binary file
> read(10,*) x, wl, alfa //reading the numbers of file binary
> Or I can read everything that will be inside of file:
> do j=1,nt
> read(10,*) x(j) //vector
> enddo
> Can you help me please?
> Regards

If you just want to read in the whole file as an array take a look at the read function in:
