March 08, 2009
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REMEMBER: This is a delta release; you will still require (the latest version of) STLSoft 1.9

6th March 2009 - 1.10.1 alpha 9 (delta)


 * enhancements to stlsoft::basic_simple_string, to facilitate using shim
   strings as sinks in FastFormat
 * more unit tests



 ~ include/stlsoft/string/shim_string.hpp:
    + multibyte string shim overloads
    + wide string shim overloads
    + added bool_type member type
    ~ various documentation markup improvements
    ~ reserve() now returns bool result
    + added resize() method
    + added capacity() method
    + added empty() method
    + added c_str_ptr_null() shim overload
    ~ stream inserter now uses write, with length

 Test programs:

  + test/unit/unixstl/filesystem/test.unit.unixstl.filesystem.memory_mapped_file/test.unit.unixstl.filesystem.memory_mapped_file.cpp

  + test/unit/unixstl/filesystem/test.unit.unixstl.filesystem.path/test.unit.unixstl.filesystem.path.cpp

  + test/unit/winstl/filesystem/test.unit.winstl.filesystem.memory_mapped_file/test.unit.winstl.filesystem.memory_mapped_file.cpp
