September 30, 2010
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Changes for 1.9.101 (30th September 2010)


 * stlsoft::transform_iterator can now support transformation to types that do not support default construction
 * fixed defect in stlsoft::transform_iterator
 * platformstl::basic_file_lines refactored, and exception-safety enhanced
 * winstl::memory_mapped_file refactored in preparation for substantial enhancement in 1.10; also no longer supports compilers that do not have native 64-bit integers



 ~ stlsoft/iterators/transform_iterator.hpp:
    + can now support transformation to types that do not support default construction
    ~ fixed nasty as anything defect in decrement operator

 ~ stlsoft/string/cstring_functions.hpp:
    ~ string_dup now responds robustly when out of memory used with a compiler that doesn't throw bad_alloc

 ~ stlsoft/string/simple_string.hpp:
    ~ string_traits<> specialisation for basic_simple_string now works with any basic_simple_string<C, T, A> specialisation permutation, rather than just basic_simple_string<C>
    ~ fix to defect in assign(cc*, size_t)


 ~ platformstl/filesystem/file_lines.hpp:
    ~ trivial changes, ready for 1.10 changes
    ~ simplified refactoring, readying for 1.10
    ~ exception-safety correction
    ~ getting ready for major refactoring in 1.10


 ~ winstl/error/error_functions.h:
    + added character-encoding independent symbols
    ~ conversion of deprecated winstl__??? form to winstl_C_??? form

 ~ winstl/filesystem/memory_mapped_file.hpp:
    - no longer supports compilers that do not have native 64-bit integers
    ~ final refactoring, ready for splitting in STLSoft 1.10
    ~ now allows for offset+requestSize for both 32-bit and 64-bit operation
    ~ benign change of casting syntax, in order to support forthcoming separation into (C) source files in STLSoft 1.10

 ~ winstl/system/console_functions.h:
    ~ benign changes to winstl_C_get_console_width() to aid debugging

 ~ winstl/winstl.h:
