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Video game engines with Dlang.
Oct 29, 2023
Oct 29, 2023
Oct 29, 2023
Oct 29, 2023
Oct 29, 2023
Oct 29, 2023
Oct 29, 2023
Oct 29, 2023
October 29, 2023

I've been searching the internet looking for game engines that I can use Dlang to program, but they are always the same ones; say Dagon, Raylib, Derelict and even BindBC. But I wanted to ask you if you could mention any other game engine that uses D for programming that I might not know, it would help me a lot (I guess).

Incidentally, could someone explain to me what exactly this does:

"public final pure nothrow @property @safe @safe @nogc ref File file file() {
        return _file;

It's code from a dub package (specifically one called "terminal"), but I don't understand why all that.

October 29, 2023

On Sunday, 29 October 2023 at 05:06:55 UTC, Shuba wrote:


I've been searching the internet looking for game engines that I can use Dlang to program, but they are always the same ones; say Dagon, Raylib, Derelict and even BindBC. But I wanted to ask you if you could mention any other game engine that uses D for programming that I might not know, it would help me a lot (I guess).

There are hundreds of libraries related to games/game development.

Or you can just search "engine" on and you will find many different engines.

Worth to mention Hipreme engine ( for advanced developers.


Incidentally, could someone explain to me what exactly this does:

"public final pure nothrow @property @safe @safe @nogc ref File file file() {
        return _file;

It's code from a dub package (specifically one called "terminal"), but I don't understand why all that.

Just return private File member of the class in the property.

October 29, 2023

On Sunday, 29 October 2023 at 05:06:55 UTC, Shuba wrote:


I've been searching the internet looking for game engines that I can use Dlang to program, but they are always the same ones; say Dagon, Raylib, Derelict and even BindBC. But I wanted to ask you if you could mention any other game engine that uses D for programming that I might not know, it would help me a lot (I guess).

Although not technically a D engine there is Godot engine and godot-dlang bindings for it which you can use to write engine plugins and game logic in D (though for most parts I would just stick to built-in scripting language).

I guess godot is the only thing if you are ever to finish and publish a game. While there is low-level libs and even frameworks like Dagon/Raylib, making an entire game with them is way too much work for a single person.
(Unless of course it is not a micro scope level with just one game screen like tic-tac-toe)


Incidentally, could someone explain to me what exactly this does:

"public final pure nothrow @property @safe @safe @nogc ref File file file() {
        return _file;

It's code from a dub package (specifically one called "terminal"), but I don't understand why all that.

It's probably to troll the reader. There is also missing attributes like 'scope' and 'return'.

No seriously, there was complaints about attribute soup in the past but honestly i'm not sure if this will even compile.

If you are honestly asking though, just use what you really need, no need to slap every possible attribute.

October 29, 2023

On Sunday, 29 October 2023 at 05:06:55 UTC, Shuba wrote:


I've been searching the internet looking for game engines that I can use Dlang to program, but they are always the same ones; say Dagon, Raylib, Derelict and even BindBC. But I wanted to ask you if you could mention any other game engine that uses D for programming that I might not know, it would help me a lot (I guess).

October 29, 2023

On Sunday, 29 October 2023 at 05:06:55 UTC, Shuba wrote:


I've been searching the internet looking for game engines that I can use Dlang to program, but they are always the same ones; say Dagon, Raylib, Derelict and even BindBC. But I wanted to ask you if you could mention any other game engine that uses D for programming that I might not know, it would help me a lot (I guess).

October 29, 2023

On Sunday, 29 October 2023 at 08:31:19 UTC, Doigt wrote:


On Sunday, 29 October 2023 at 05:06:55 UTC, Shuba wrote:



Oh, that's quite a list. Nice!

Are those also on the awesome-d page?

October 29, 2023

On Sunday, 29 October 2023 at 05:06:55 UTC, Shuba wrote:


I've been searching the internet looking for game engines that I can use Dlang to program, but they are always the same ones; say Dagon, Raylib, Derelict and even BindBC. But I wanted to ask you if you could mention any other game engine that uses D for programming that I might not know, it would help me a lot (I guess).

Incidentally, could someone explain to me what exactly this does:

"public final pure nothrow @property @safe @safe @nogc ref File file file() {
        return _file;

It's code from a dub package (specifically one called "terminal"), but I don't understand why all that.

HipremeEngine by now brings the same usability from Love2D, right now I'm working with more game development inside it for better improve both its performance, consistency and battle test it. If you do want to try, feel free to message me at D discord.

Right now, it is your best choice in D for cross platform dev. I don't know about godot-d and how it behaves when you need to ship to other platforms.

I wanted to started also a development blog since I am unable to post on medium but I didn't want to do posts on hidden websites. Any recommendation on well known programmers stuff which I can post with markdown, I'm going for it.

October 29, 2023

On Sunday, 29 October 2023 at 16:33:45 UTC, Hipreme wrote:


I wanted to started also a development blog since I am unable to post on medium but I didn't want to do posts on hidden websites. Any recommendation on well known programmers stuff which I can post with markdown, I'm going for it.

Maybe consider
Also cross-posting on Reddit