February 23

After the DIP 1036(e) discussions I am under the impression that with the upcoming dmd release one shall be entitled to instead

auto result = db.rows ("select id, a from b where id = ?", id);


auto result = db.rows (i"select id, a from b where id = $id");

But what shall be written if the table from which the data are selected is variable, too? E.g.

string t = "ta-ble";
auto result
   = db.rows ("select id, a from `" ~ t ~ "` where id = ?", id);

What if the escaping rules for table names and data are different? Can query authors benefit from string interpolation in this case?

February 26

On Friday, 23 February 2024 at 23:47:47 UTC, kdevel wrote:


After the DIP 1036(e) discussions I am under the impression that with the upcoming dmd release one shall be entitled to instead

auto result = db.rows ("select id, a from b where id = ?", id);


auto result = db.rows (i"select id, a from b where id = $id");

But what shall be written if the table from which the data are selected is variable, too? E.g.

string t = "ta-ble";
auto result
   = db.rows ("select id, a from `" ~ t ~ "` where id = ?", id);

What if the escaping rules for table names and data are different? Can query authors benefit from string interpolation in this case?

This could be up to the db library to deal with. It would have to know the context of the interpolation to know whether to just straight-replace with the given string, or to use a prepared statement. My suggestion would be for the library to either have a specialized syntax, or a specialized type that it considers to be a part of the query that is runtime-decided-sql.


RuntimeSql rsql(string data) { return RuntimeSql(data); }

auto result = db.rows(i"select id, a from $(t.rsql) where id = $(id)");
