On Saturday, 26 February 2022 at 20:47:27 UTC, forkit wrote:
>On Saturday, 26 February 2022 at 13:48:52 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
>Maybe, but how many committed C++ programmers have switched to Rust?
so you don't compete in the market, by waiting till your competitor has taken your customers ;-)
Or you don't fall into the trap of trying to be everything for everybody and ending up with a design that doesn't satisfy anyone.
>D seems to becoming more of a development environment for C code.
Seriously. If I want C, I can just use C.
Yes, that does not work. The only thing C has going for it is critical mass. Nobody can compete with C, as the selling point of C is its history. So, that would be a loose-loose strategy.
>So just where D is going to stand out (in relation to it's competitors) in this new world of 'more secure code', is not at all clear to me, and it's vision is even more obscure to me.
The vision has not been elaborated in way that is meaningful, I agree.
In my view the vision ought to be to switch to local GC for non-shared and ARC for shared objects, and gear the eco system towards an actor model that make good use of a wide range of CPU configurations (e.g. run equally well on 2 cores, 32 cores, and so on). But that is not the current vision, that is just what I personally think would make sense for the current user base.
>This would be sign of impending doom for C++. i.e. It also needs to focus heavily on competing for new customers, now that many people and corporations see Rust as serious contender.
I don't think so. C++ can afford to loose some customers in some application domains and strengthen its positions in areas where it is most suitable. Changing the core language would be a mistake for C++ because it has critical mass, way more so than any other competitor.
That "critical mass" is the key issue, so what is good for C++ does not translate to other languages.