March 14, 2004
John Reimer wrote:

> For the life of me, I can't figure out how to download the files from
> sourceforge.  I'm using Epiphany in gentoo linux (and also tried Mozilla
> 1.5).  It's no go.  The screen is just filled with junk as the web browser
> tries to display the file instead of download it.  I also tried right
> clicking on the link and "save link as..." but this only saves the
> indirect link location to disk, not the actual gzipped file.  I figure
> there must be a way to set Mozilla up using the MIME types, but I don't
> know how.

I had the problem, too, with Firebird. However, it never was a problem, as I could always right click into the window in which the file was displayed, and choose "save page to disk"...

March 14, 2004
John Reimer wrote:
>>To Dowload the file, press Shift key... hold pressed, then click in link to download the file...
> Thanks for the tip, but this still doesn't work in Epiphany or Mozilla
> 1.5.  In Mozilla it just downloads the indirection link (a 1K file) and
> names it the same as the *.gz file.
>>A little more...
>>after download it execute:
>>gunzip leds_00.08.72_bin.gz
> I know how to do this. :-)
>>to uncompress it, at the end must make the file executable with:
>>chmod +x leds_00.08.72_bin
> ... and this too :-D
> Later,
> John

I use mozilla and ephifany and download ok....
pressing and hold shift key... then click in link to download

try this mirror:
hold pressed Shift key and click here....

Run in Mozilla and Epifany and konqueror......
I'm using mozilla 1.4 but that's the way for force download a file. You also can change the MIME type



March 14, 2004
> I use mozilla and ephifany and download ok....
> pressing and hold shift key... then click in link to download
> try this mirror:
> hold pressed Shift key and click here....
> Run in Mozilla and Epifany and konqueror......
> I'm using mozilla 1.4 but that's the way for force download a file. You
> also can change the MIME type

That link above worked without even having to press and hold the shift key.  All I had to do was click on it and a dialogue box popped up as I expected.  I did change the MIME type earlier. Perhaps that's why it worked (although it didn't work earlier when I tried at the original sourceforge site). Either that or your link was direct and that's all that was needed.


March 15, 2004
Ant wrote:
> There is a new usable, stable and user frindly release
> of leds.
> This release is a big leap forward from previous ones.
> (see disclamer on license) I believe it can be used
> for every day work.
> Let me know what you think.
> get it from:
> (linux 2.6.0 executable available)
> you will need to latest version of DUI to compile it
> get DUI from
> here are the notes and change log
> Release Name: 00.08
> Notes:
>  * leds is usable! and very stable!
>  * It's starting to be a very interesting environment for D development.
>  * The leds core is beta quality, some featues are incomplete and alpha quality
>  * leds is not just a text editor with sintax highligh,
>  * leds has an efficient project browser tool and an alpha quality code browser
>  * and intelisence tools
>  * leds is still missing much needed features:
>  * - ask to save buffers before closing leds
>  * - the next great improvement needed on leds is to the code broswer
>  *   the code browser is also the base for the code lookup (intelisence)
> Changes:
>  * - search and replace (window level only) (finally!)
>  * - remember opened files when last closed
>  * - check for file modifications outside leds buffers
>  * - creates 'projects' directory if it doesn't exist
>  * - right bar with errors, todo and bug tags
>  * - right bar shouws project state (no errors, needs recompile, contains errors)
>  * - mark opened buffers when they contain compilation errors
>  * - mark opened buffers that where modified
>  * - allow selecting the font type and size
>  * - allow anti-aliasing fonts
>  * - automatic generation of documentations comments (suitable for doxygen)
>  * - selection of code page (default, UTF-8,  DBCS) (untested)
>  * - ability to create new projects directories (start of a more complete project creation module)
>  * - project can create new packages (start of a more complete code generation module)
>  * - started java awareness
>  *   greater java awareness will be usefull for java to D conversion projects
>  *   eventually leds will be usable for java projects as well 
> Ant

Hi Ant.

I have been testing some leds features. You have done a great work, leds
begin to be great... :-)

Anti-aliasing fonts work fine. Defined fonts and sizes ok too.
I think you must capture the font size specified in the dialog font and
set it in preferences dialog. Now you must expecify by hand.

UFT-8 is implemented, but you can't select it in preferences dialog,
allways is set to *default* :-(

I have changed by hand, editing the file  .leds/preferences.leds and
setting parameter:   'codePage:       UTF-8'
It work fine for some utf-8 characters.... like ñ á..... but others like
Ñ, € seems to be wrongly codified. I can see it correctly in leds and
SciTE, but not in utf-8 terminal. At now I haven't enought time for
investigate it... but i'll find for it.


Julio Jiménez

March 15, 2004
On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 12:39:27 +0100, Julio Jiménez wrote:

> Hi Ant.
> I have been testing some leds features. You have done a great work, leds begin to be great... :-)

Thank!  (I think it's wanderful)

> Anti-aliasing fonts work fine. Defined fonts and sizes ok too.
> I think you must capture the font size specified in the dialog font and
> set it in preferences dialog. Now you must expecify by hand.

yep, that requires a change on the properties programs.
I though that anyone could enter the font size in 3 seconds
and that would same me a couple of hours developing.
(I'm thinking on enhancing the properties and move them
to from leds to DUI.)

> UFT-8 is implemented, but you can't select it in preferences dialog,
> allways is set to *default* :-(
> I have changed by hand, editing the file  .leds/preferences.leds and
> setting parameter:   'codePage:       UTF-8'

I over look that - it's fixed for the next release;

> It work fine for some utf-8 characters....
> I can see it correctly in leds and
> SciTE, but not in utf-8 terminal. At now I haven't enought time for
> investigate it... but i'll find for it.

Let me know. If it's on my side I'll try to fix it.
(but the problem existing also on Scite...)


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