January 25

On Monday, 22 January 2024 at 11:31:11 UTC, zjh wrote:


On Monday, 22 January 2024 at 08:54:54 UTC, zjh wrote:

struct Person {
    string name, email;
    ulong age;
Person a{"n","email",33};

C++ can achieve ultimate simplicity without violating DRY,
And here, D violates the DRY principle!
Moreover, as the package level, module level, class level, member level, D language violates integrity.
Because D has no class level limit.
These are all not serious states.

You know you can use struct literals in initializers, right?

import std.stdio;
struct Person {
    string name, email;
    ulong age;

void main() {
    Person p = {name: "Joe", email: "joe@example.com", age: 30};
January 25

On Thursday, 25 January 2024 at 08:46:34 UTC, Renato wrote:

void main() {
    Person p = { "Joe", "joe@ab.com", 30};

I just tested it and it works. It's great!

February 01

On Monday, 22 January 2024 at 08:27:36 UTC, Joel wrote:

import std;

struct Person {
    string name, email;
    ulong age;
    auto withName(string name) { this.name=name; return this; }
    auto withEmail(string email) { this.email=email; return this; }
    auto withAge(ulong age) { this.age=age; return this; }

void main() {
    Person p;

I had reason to need this to work a while ago and opDispatch came in very handy. I was able to cook up one that forwarded calls to other members in a struct, while returning this by ref, allowing for chaining calls. I use it with UDAs.

(Scroll to the unit tests for examples.)

    Mixin template generating an `opDispatch` redirecting calls to members whose
    names match the passed variable string but with an underscore prepended.
mixin template UnderscoreOpDispatcher()
    ref auto opDispatch(string var, T)(T value)
        import std.traits : isArray, isAssociativeArray, isSomeString;

        enum realVar = '_' ~ var;
        alias V = typeof(mixin(realVar));

        static if (isAssociativeArray!V)
            // Doesn't work with AAs without library solutions
        else static if (isArray!V && !isSomeString!V)
            mixin(realVar) ~= value;
            mixin(realVar) = value;

        return this;

    auto opDispatch(string var)() inout
        enum realVar = '_' ~ var;
        return mixin(realVar);

    struct Foo
        int _i;
        string _s;
        bool _b;
        string[] _add;
        alias wordList = _add;

        mixin UnderscoreOpDispatcher;

    Foo f;
    f.i = 42;         // f.opDispatch!"i"(42);
    f.s = "hello";    // f.opDispatch!"s"("hello");
    f.b = true;       // f.opDispatch!"b"(true);
    f.add("hello");   // f.opDispatch!"add"("hello");
    f.add("world");   // f.opDispatch!"add"("world");

    assert(f.i == 42);
    assert(f.s == "hello");
    assert(f.wordList == [ "hello", "world" ]);

    auto f2 = Foo()

    assert(f2.i == 9001);
    assert(f2.s == "world");
    assert(f2.wordList == [ "hello", "world" ]);

You could trivially adapt it to use a withName, withEmail calling scheme instead of the underscore thing.

May 14

On Monday, 22 January 2024 at 08:54:21 UTC, Danilo wrote:


On Monday, 22 January 2024 at 08:35:01 UTC, Joel wrote:



Nonetheless, this usually used with Objects (new class/struct instances), like so:

import std;


Fluent Interface 😀

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