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D Language HTTP Server
Sep 05, 2023
Sep 05, 2023
Sep 05, 2023
Adam D Ruppe
Sep 05, 2023
Sep 05, 2023
Sep 05, 2023
September 05, 2023

Hello, I've been learning the D programming language for a while now and I want to develop web applications. I've looked into the Handy Http package and can write simple programs on my own, but I want to use the D language for a comprehensive project.

What do you think I can use on the Web side? Would Handy Http be sufficient for both HTTP and WebSocket endpoints? I want to use an HTTP server by taking my own security measures, as solutions similar to Vibe.d might be slow.

Also, what can I use in the D language to perform database queries? Do you have a library to recommend? I will be using a PostgreSQL database.

Although it's possible to use more advantageous languages for web operations, I like this language, so I want to start developing a project, even if it's a simple one.

September 05, 2023

On Tuesday, 5 September 2023 at 14:27:09 UTC, user548215 wrote:


Hello, I've been learning the D programming language for a while now and I want to develop web applications.


Handy and Serverino both are fine as minimalistic servers.

If you want more power you can try arsd cgi solution. It is also has some database packages from the same author -

Otherwise there are several drivers available in DUB registry.

September 05, 2023
On Tuesday, 5 September 2023 at 14:38:34 UTC, Sergey wrote:
> Handy and Serverino both are fine as minimalistic servers.

im curious, makes them more minimalistic than the cgi.d?

of course cgi.d has tons of options and expansions and such but if you don't use them you have a pretty small core which i imagine are all comparable

> If you want more power you can try arsd cgi solution. It is also has some database packages from the same author -

indeed. i should warn you im in the middle of making some minor changes to that right now, i think i'll have it restablized by friday's 11.1 release but there is a small regression in the 11.0.1 current version (which you might not notice to be fair but it broke to!int(database_row[0]), you'd have to `to!int(database_row[0].toString)` to work around rn whcih feels silly lol)
September 05, 2023

On Tuesday, 5 September 2023 at 14:38:34 UTC, Sergey wrote:



Handy and Serverino both are fine as minimalistic servers.

Otherwise there are several drivers available in DUB registry.

Hello, I'm grateful for your response. I'm currently using 'handy httpd,' which is a minimalist web server. I'm interested in finding out if there are other users in the community who also use this server, as well as learning about its advantages and disadvantages. If you have any recommendations for a more effective minimalist http server, I'm open to alternatives.

Do you have any suggestions for a current and reliable database driver that I could use in the D language? 'dpq2' appears to have received the latest updates; however, if you have different and more effective recommendations, I'm considering those as well.

September 05, 2023

On Tuesday, 5 September 2023 at 15:16:28 UTC, user548215 wrote:


Hello, I'm grateful for your response. I'm currently using 'handy httpd,' which is a minimalist web server. I'm interested in finding out if there are other users in the community who also use this server, as well as learning about its advantages and disadvantages. If you have any recommendations for a more effective minimalist http server, I'm open to alternatives.

It really depends on what is your requirements.
Great thing about all before mentioned solutions that authors are very kind to answer questions.

Btw please feel free to join Discord channel as well. There are some discussions about http servers and web dev in general. I find it more active and pleasant than this forum.


Do you have any suggestions for a current and reliable database driver that I could use in the D language? 'dpq2' appears to have received the latest updates; however, if you have different and more effective recommendations, I'm considering those as well.

I haven’t used any of them yet. I’m also interested in the comparison of coverage and easy of usage of those solutions.

September 05, 2023

On Tuesday, 5 September 2023 at 15:59:06 UTC, Sergey wrote:


It really depends on what is your requirements.

I'm not completely sure about my requirements yet, but I'm open to building something from scratch if necessary. The main reason I prefer using the D language is to contribute to the community and increase the usefulness of the D language through a couple of web projects I have. So, when starting the project, I'd like to use a strong HTTP server that can solve various issues. 'Handy Http' was a pretty user-friendly server for me, but if you recommend a better option, I'm also willing to consider using it.


Btw please feel free to join Discord channel as well. There are some discussions about http servers and web dev in general. I find it more active and pleasant than this forum.

Can you share the Discord server link with me? I enjoy talking to web developers in the D language.

September 06, 2023
On 06/09/2023 5:59 AM, user548215 wrote:
>     Btw please feel free to join Discord channel as well. There are some
>     discussions about http servers and web dev in general. I find it
>     more active and pleasant than this forum.
> Can you share the Discord server link with me? I enjoy talking to web developers in the D language.

On the main website under community the link is there.