March 06, 2018
I added the followiing to my dub.json:

>	"preBuildCommand": [
>		"C:\\Users\\user003\\Desktop\\Nova pasta\\a.exe",
>		"C:\\dm\\bin\\rcc.exe -32 -D__NT__ res.rc -o sources\\res.res"
>	]

But neither command is executed. "C:\\Users\\user003\\Desktop\\Nova pasta\\a.exe" is a D application created by myself to check if that command is being run. It creates a text file when it does run.
What possibily can be?
I've tried:

> dub
> dub --build=debug
> dub --build-release
> dub clear
then all the build attempts again but none worked. I getting to know dub so I still have no idea what can be.