November 20

On Sunday, 17 November 2024 at 12:51:44 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:


Is there any place where interested parties can check on the current state of Phobos 3 development, and find out which modules/types are in-progress vs. up for grabs? If not, it might be a good idea to create one--maybe a Github projects page, like the one in this recent announcement.

Not at the moment. I've asked Razvan to create a project on the DLF Projects page that I can manage (and get all the state info out of my head), but I don't have the access myself.


Built-in tuples for Phobos 3 would be awesome! If they support named fields, then there's definitely no reason to keep Phobos Tuple around IMO. If not, there might be room in Phobos 3 for a NamedTuple type (a la Python).

I don't know if Timon's tuple's have names, but if they don't we'll have to do a NamedTuple.

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