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vibe.d no routes match path
Feb 04, 2020
Feb 04, 2020
February 04, 2020
Please consider the code:

import vibe.vibe;
import std.conv;
import std.file;
import std.stdio;

ushort port   =  5502;

void main(char[][] args)

        auto router = new URLRouter;"/archive", &savedata);
        router.get("/archive", &savedata); //also tested without this line

        auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
        settings.port = port;
        settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""];
        listenHTTP(settings, router);


void savedata(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {

       // do things


This was working fine until yesterday

Today, it says (after a dub build) : 404 - Not Found

Not Found

Internal error information:
No routes match path '/a'

This is a production server. Is there anything i am doing wrong?
February 04, 2020
* sorry, i meant 'archive'
> This is a production server. Is there anything i am doing wrong?

February 04, 2020
On 2/4/20 10:35 AM, seany wrote:
>"/archive", &savedata);
>          router.get("/archive", &savedata); //also tested without this line
> Internal error information:
> No routes match path '/a'

Did you go to /a? Looks like you only registered routes for /archive.
