Hi All,
Request your help, I have a struct which has many functions, I need to run a function from within another function(From Display function execute the runner function), an example as below
import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.algorithm: joiner;
import std.parallelism: task;
import std.typecons: tuple;
struct MainEngine {
int rno;
string firstname;
string lastname;
int age;
this(in int _rno) { rno = _rno; }
auto ref FirstName(in string _firstname) { firstname = _firstname; return this; }
auto ref lastName(in string _lastname) { firstname = _lastname; return this; }
auto ref Age(in int _age) { age = _age; return this; }
auto Display () {
auto runner(string status = "Male") {
auto record = tuple([firstname,",",lastname].joiner, age, status);
return record;
string *runnerptr = &runner;
auto result = task(*runnerptr);
return result;
void main () {
auto mrunner = MainEngine(1).FirstName("Fname").lastName("Lname").Age(25).Display();