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 | Posted by Quirin Schroll in reply to qxi | Permalink Reply |
Quirin Schroll 
| On Sunday, 19 January 2025 at 10:34:34 UTC, qxi wrote:
> On Sunday, 19 January 2025 at 05:25:15 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 1/18/2025 1:19 PM, qxi wrote:
> In current implementation if there is multiple 'with:' in same scope then last 'with:' take precedence and I think multiple 'with:' in the same scope should have the equal precedence.
enum E1{ A,B }
enum E2{ B,C }
with (E1):
B; // E1.B
with (E2):
A; // E1.A
C; // E2.C
B; // this should be error because 2 matched symbols 'E1.B' and 'E2.B'
The example is equivalent to:
enum E1{ A,B }
enum E2{ B,C }
with (E1)
B; // E1.B
with (E2)
A; // E1.A
C; // E2.C
B; // (*)
and B should resolve as E2.B because of the usual scoping rules. Changing the scoping rules would be different from other uses of : that introduce scope.
I think 'with:' should just import symbols to current scope instead introducing new scope.
Other uses ':' don't introduce scope according to documentation (at least it dont say it explicitly, it may introduce scope internally in compiler but that I dont know).
That’s simply not true. On declaration scope:
void f() {} // is @system because @system after @safe
If we wanted it to behave like import , do it like import , i.e. no parentheses and a semicolon:
with E1;
A; // E1.A
B; // E1.B;
C; // error: No `C` defined
with E2;
A; // E1.A
B; // error: ambiguous, could be E1.B or E2.B
C; // E2.C
I’d have little issue having both, actually.
with(E): is equivalent to with(E) { } such that the scope spans the rest of the function.
with E; is really new and allows for the constants within E to be found as if they were imported. Also only applies to the rest of the scope, but multiple with E; don’t nest (exactly like imports don’t nest).