November 14, 2003
"Andy C" <> wrote in message news:bp2lv7$1knr$
> Walter,Jan,
> Got it, thanks.  Jan K. says that MFC 6 doesn't work with DMC.  Is that a
> issue of compiler changes, or a small(er) matter of settings and source
> tweeking?  Is there any value to my trying to compile the MFC source in
the MS
> SDK and posting the errors that come up?  Can I get a partial
implementation (no
> ATL for example) of MFC to work?
> If this is a big hassle let me know and I won't pursue this thread.

Porting different MFC versions is difficult because of:

1) close reliance on exactly how VC implements various C++ features

2) dependence on various VC extensions to C++

3) lack of a test suite to verify that a port of MFC works properly

That said, if you're willing to post errors and problems compiling MFC6 as they come up, and can do so with small, reproducible test cases <g>, then I'll see what I can do to address them. I'd also take Jan's advice and have a look at wxWindows before making a final decision.

November 17, 2003
I will give it a shot as after-hours time permits!
My 3 changes so far (see if they make sense):

Problem 1:
Replaced lines that read...
void __declspec(noreturn) AFXAPI AfxThrowMemoryException();
void AFXAPI AfxThrowMemoryException();
#pragma noreturn(AfxThrowMemoryException)

Problem 2
Don't know how to handle: __declspec(selectany) in
atlconv.h, line 34.
Fixed for now by defining the string to nothing:
#if __DMC__
#define __declspec(selectany)

Problem 3
Can't find file <shlwapi.h> in atlbase.h, line 18.
File exists in "C:\WINDDK\3790\inc\wxp" directory of free DDK so added to
project directory.

>That said, if you're willing to post errors and problems compiling MFC6 as they come up, and can do so with small, reproducible test cases <g>, then I'll see what I can do to address them. I'd also take Jan's advice and have a look at wxWindows before making a final decision.

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