April 25

On Wednesday, 13 March 2024 at 06:05:35 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:


Consider the following:

class A { void bar(); }

void foo(int i) {
    A a;
    if (i) a = new A();
    if (i) a.bar();

What happens if we apply data flow analysis to determine the state of a when it calls bar()? It will determine that a has the possible values (null, new A()). Hence, it will give an error that a` is possibly null at that point.

A type system can come to this conclusion, no control-flow analysis needed.


Yet the code is correct, not buggy.

Depends on what ... does with i.


Yes, the compiler could figure out that i is the same, but the conditions can be more complex such that the compiler cannot figure it out (the halting problem).

So that doesn't work.

It seems you want the compiler not to diagnose “obvious” cases where a null check would be superfluous. My sense is the more formal/mathy inclined people don’t even ask for that.


We could lower a.bar() to NullCheck(a).bar() which throws an exception if a is null. But what have we gained there? Nothing. The program still aborts with an exception, just like if the hardware checked. Except we've got this manual check that costs extra code and CPU time.

Please not. Just raise a compile-error.


BTW, doing data flow analysis is very expensive in terms of compiler run time. The optimizer does it, but running the optimizer is optional for that reason.

You don’t need data flow analysis if the type system can tell which values are potentially null and which aren’t.

Comprehensive example:

// Using hypothetical syntax similar to C# and Kotlin
void foo(int i) {
    A? a; // Change 1: Tell the type system that `a` is possibly null
    if (i) a = new A();
    if (i) (cast(A)a).bar(); // Change 2: A cast to assert `a` is not null.

The question is, will i be (effectively) changed in ...? If it won’t, the two if checks are the same and a.bar() would be fine. Only the type system doesn't know. It sees a A? object having a method called on it.
Going from the original code to this would happen like this:

  1. Trying to compile, you get an error stating that A a must be either initialized or be a nullable type (i.e. A? a) if a is supposed to be potentially null. Okay, you think, it’s supposed to be null, i.e. you use A?.

  2. Trying to compile again, you get an error saying a cannot have a method called on it because its type says it’s possibly null, and you have to make sure somehow that it won’t be: Options are:

    • Use a?.bar() which only calls bar if a isn’t null.
    • Use a!.bar() which asserts (throwing an Error) that a isn’t null and then calls bar.
    • Use an explicit cast, which just silences the error, i.e. inserts no check, meaning it gives you a segfault if a is null.
  3. So you insert a cast, assuming you don’t meaningfully touch i in ....

You’re absolutely right that a segfault is infinitely better than UB, but a type system that catches potential/likely segfaults before the program even runs once is infinitely better than segfaults. In this example, if ... does change to i, the cast is ill-posed and you go back to segfault land. If you’re unsure, a!.bar() is probably better. It’s definitely safer. (And, for the segfault land enthusiasts, we can add syntax sugar for the cast: cast(!null) for cases when the type is not known or needlessly long.

What you do need control-flow analysis for is if you want to avoid those casts in “obvious” cases (e.g. if the ... doesn’t write to i). What doesn’t need control-flow analysis are language constructs that the compiler recognizes as null checks. Just imagine for a moment D had final as a type constructor which for classes means head-const. On if (a !is null) the compiler can add a new variable A __a = cast(A)a; and attempt to use __a instead of a in the code block. If it succeeds, a isn’t possibly reassigned null and therefore stays non-null. No additional clutter needed in the block. Recognizing this pattern isn’t that hard I hope. It’s definitely less expensive than control-flow analysis.

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