June 14, 2004
Has function return type overloading been considered for D? It might be useful for some scenarios.

For example, in the code::

int get2()
return 2;
float get2()
return 2.0;

the function body that gets called depends on the expected type of the value::

int i;
float f;

i = get2(); //the int version body of get2() is called
f = get2(); //the float version is called
f = cast(int)get2(); //the int version is called, and the value is implicitly
//casted to a float
f = cast(float)cast(int)get2(); //the int version is called, and the value is
//explicitly casted to a float

I'm not sure about what to do if the expected type can't be determined. Perhaps we should require an explicit cast? Consider this::

f = 2 + get2();

I'm sure there are loads of other ambiguities I haven't thought about. I'm not even sure if it's a good idea, but it's an idea worth considering nevertheless.


June 14, 2004
Oops, this message ended up in the old newsgroup. Please don't answer it here and go to the post in digitalmars.D instead.

Sorry. :)
