Thread overview
version=GNU and DOS-format
Apr 30, 2005
Manfred Nowak
May 04, 2005
David Friedman
April 30, 2005
Why is the version of gdc under cygwin GNU and not linux?

Why is the version of gdc under cygwin not able to read files in the dos format? According to the specs *nix, DOS and MAC file formats are valid inputs for D.

May 04, 2005
Manfred Nowak wrote:

> Why is the version of gdc under cygwin GNU and not linux?

version(GNU) is the "compiler vendor", just like version(DigitalMars) ?
The "operating system" version should instead read: version(cygwin)

These are both pretty lame, and version(Posix) would be much better...
But that's not the way the versioning system is setup at the moment.

May 04, 2005
Manfred Nowak wrote:
> Why is the version of gdc under cygwin GNU and not linux?
> Why is the version of gdc under cygwin not able to read files in the dos format? According to the specs *nix, DOS and MAC file formats are valid inputs for D.
> -manfred

For Cygwin, these symbols are be defined: "GNU", "Unix", and "cygwin". "Unix" should be defined for all Unix-like systems.

I'm not seeing any problems with CRLF format files.  Can you send me (zipped/tar'd) sample?
