July 18, 2006

I get an error while trying to port a photoshop pluging from msvc to sc:

sc ..\..\..\COMMON\SOURCES\WinFileUtils.cpp -Jm -Ae -mn -C -WD -S -5 -a8 -c -w- -w5 -w6 -w7 -gh -D_DEBUG -DWIN32 -D_WINDOWS -DMSWindows=1 -Ie:\pssdk\photoshopapi\pica_sp -Ie:\pssdk\photoshopapi\photoshop -I..\Common -I..\..\..\Common\includes -I..\..\..\Co
Error: E:\pssdk\samplecode\filter\propetizer\win\..\..\..\Common\includes\WinFileUtils.h(43): 'SFReply' previously declared as something else
E:\pssdk\samplecode\filter\propetizer\win\..\..\..\Common\includes\WinFileUtils.h(43): It was declared as: SFReply
E:\pssdk\samplecode\filter\propetizer\win\..\..\..\Common\includes\WinFileUtils.h(43): It is now declared: __unnamed
Lines Processed: 925779  Errors: 1  Warnings: 0
Build failed

#include "PITypes.h"
#include "PIUtilities.h"


#if MSWindows
typedef	HFILE	FileHandle;
typedef Handle	AliasHandle;
typedef struct
	char fileName [256];
	} SFReply;

The type "SFReply" is also defined in "PITypes.h" in identical form:

	typedef struct
		char fileName [256];
	} SFReply;

Compiler version is 8.42n

Normally this re-declaration should be allowed (so far I know)

Anyway, DMC is great..

July 20, 2006
Peter Heckert schrieb:

Never mind. Working around is easy and double-declaration is poor style anyway...
As an excuse: the sdk was written by Adobe, it's not my work ;-)

> Normally this re-declaration should be allowed (so far I know)
> Anyway, DMC is great..
> Peter