March 17, 2007
Frits van Bommel wrote:
> And how do you suggest we figure that out, except by waiting for Walter? 

it's in subject title :)

> And if that would be your suggestion, we may as well work ahead on the pedantic-ness until he comes by ;). (It's not like there's anything good on tv tonight over here...)

The last time I saw "good" TV was July 20th 1969
March 17, 2007
kris wrote:
> Frits van Bommel wrote:
> [snip]
>> And how do you suggest we figure that out, except by waiting for Walter? 
> it's in subject title :)

I know, I just wanted to suggest something along the lines of "there's not really anything we can do to speed that up".

>> And if that would be your suggestion, we may as well work ahead on the pedantic-ness until he comes by ;). (It's not like there's anything good on tv tonight over here...)
> The last time I saw "good" TV was July 20th 1969

Well, obviously it's a relative term these days :P.
Also: I'm afraid I wasn't born yet at the time of the moon landing, so my expectations are bound to be a bit lower if that's the last time anything good was on :).

P.S. about ten seconds after I posted that I remembered I still had a recorded movie to watch...
March 20, 2007
kris wrote:
>>>>>> The D spec says:
>>>>>> "The implementiations of these variadic functions have a special local variable declared for them, _argptr, which is a void* pointer to the first of the variadic arguments. To access the arguments, _argptr must be cast to a pointer to the expected argument type"
>>>>>> To me, this means that a D compiler must implement _argptr in these terms. Is that indeed the case, Walter? Or is my interpretation incorrect?

is it really too much to ask for a simple confirmation on the above?
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