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Effective String to Date conversion?
Jan 22
Jan 29
January 22

Dear D-gurus,

being new to D I am trying my first steps and the language is quite intuitive and appealing.
When reading a file and creating a hash for the reocrds I want to get only the most recent ones. For this I need to convert Date/Time-Strings to comparable DateTime-Objects.
The code below works but looks a bit clumsy. Is there a more efficient (shorter) way to accomplish this?

Thanks in advance

// Read lines using foreach.
void main( string args[])
    auto file = File(args[1]);// Open for reading
    auto range = file.byLineCopy();
    auto iline=0;
    int  idxARE=2,idxDC=3,idxTD=0;

    string [] records[string];

    DateTime getDateTime( string [] row)
        int d,m,y,ho,mi,se;
        row[0].formattedRead!"%d.%d.%d"(d, m, y);
        row[1].formattedRead!"%d:%d:%d"(ho, mi, se);
        return DateTime(y,m,d,ho,mi,se);

    foreach (line; range)
        if (!line.empty)
            string [] row = line.split(";");

            string key = [row[2], row[3]].join("_"); // unique key
            if(iline>0) // skip header line
               if(key in records)
                  // do we have a newer one?
                  if( getDateTime(row) > getDateTime(records[key]))
               } else
                  // first one:

    writeln( records.length);
    writeln("Lines: ",i);

January 29

On Monday, 22 January 2024 at 10:56:04 UTC, atzensepp wrote:


Dear D-gurus,

being new to D I am trying my first steps and the language is quite intuitive and appealing.
When reading a file and creating a hash for the reocrds I want to get only the most recent ones. For this I need to convert Date/Time-Strings to comparable DateTime-Objects.
The code below works but looks a bit clumsy. Is there a more efficient (shorter) way to accomplish this?


If your date conforms to an ISO or extended ISO format, you can use DateTime.fromISOString [0] or DateTime.fromISOExtString [1] functions.


January 31

On Monday, 22 January 2024 at 10:56:04 UTC, atzensepp wrote:


Dear D-gurus,

being new to D I am trying my first steps and the language is quite intuitive and appealing.
When reading a file and creating a hash for the reocrds I want to get only the most recent ones. For this I need to convert Date/Time-Strings to comparable DateTime-Objects.
The code below works but looks a bit clumsy. Is there a more efficient (shorter) way to accomplish this?

That's how I would do it also.

I would note there also is a library I've used which works pretty well:
