October 05, 2007
On Fri, 05 Oct 2007 00:08:59 -0400, Chris Miller wrote:

>>>> Anyways, on my screen it's black on light gray - where's the trouble?
>>>  It's black on (not-so-)light gray.
>>>  The background colour is #D1D1D1 and with a small font on a 19-inch
>>> monitor
>>> the edges of the text become indistinct. I changed the font to a
>>> non-serif
>>> one and that helped but the best combination was a non-serif font and a
>>> background colour of at least #F0F0F0.  (Of course, this could be just
>>> my aging eyes)
>> I can read it ok, but dprogramming.com always makes me feel depressed when I go there because of that heavy gray background.
> How about now, does it make you happy yet? :D

LOL ... give the man a cigar (or healthy equivalent).

Very nice indeed.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
skype: derek.j.parnell
October 05, 2007
Chris Miller wrote:
> How about now, does it make you happy yet? :D

Now that it's different, I admit it may have been a bit on
the sombre side before.. thanks, it looks much better now!
Suddenly I feel so strangely... cheerful... Drat! =)

Regards, Frank
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