Thread overview
Aug 15, 2008
Aug 15, 2008
Aug 15, 2008
August 15, 2008
Was messing around with SIMD, SSE stuff..  didn't know how much faster it could be!  Its been a few years since I did any assembly.
Though Id just share this, any word of adding this to the lib or compiler optimizations for this?

my results:
Parallel	 Single

SQRTPS:0.000120  FSQRT:0.001021
SQRTPS:0.000114  FSQRT:0.001026
SQRTPS:0.000114  FSQRT:0.001021
SQRTPS:0.000114  FSQRT:0.001026

codepad if you wish to play with it..

...times from codepad
SQRTPS:0.000291  FSQRT:0.000634
SQRTPS:0.000289  FSQRT:0.000632
SQRTPS:0.000300  FSQRT:0.000642
SQRTPS:0.000291  FSQRT:0.000632

//used these sites as a resource..

import std.stdio : putr = writefln;
import tango.time.StopWatch;

void fastsqrt( float[] a, float[] b )
  if(a.length != b.length || a.length % 4 != 0)
    throw new Exception("fsqrt bad params!");

  float* pa = a.ptr, pb = b.ptr;
  uint times = a.length>>2;

    mov ECX, times;
    mov EAX, [pa];
    mov EBX, [pb];

    movups XMM0, [EAX];
    sqrtps XMM0, XMM0;
    movups [EBX], XMM0;
    add EAX, 16;
    add EBX, 16;
    loop REP;

void sqrt( float[] a, float[] b )
  if(a.length != b.length)
    throw new Exception("fsqrt bad params!");

  float* pa = a.ptr, pb = b.ptr;
  uint times = a.length;

    mov EAX, [pa];
    mov EBX, [pb];
    mov ECX, times; //error on a.length

    fldpi float ptr[EAX];
    fstp float ptr[EBX];
    add EAX, 4;
    add EBX, 4;
    loop REP2;

void main()
  float[40_000] a, b, c;

  foreach( k, ref i; a )
    i = cast(float)k;

  double A, B;
  StopWatch timer;

   fastsqrt( a, b );
  A = timer.stop;

   sqrt( a, c );
  B = timer.stop;

 //putr(a, "\n", b, "\n", c);

 foreach(k, i; b)
    assert( b[k] == c[k] );

 putr("SQRTPS:%.6f  FSQRT:%.6f", A, B);
August 15, 2008
Wyverex wrote:
> Was messing around with SIMD, SSE stuff..  didn't know how much faster it could be!  Its been a few years since I did any assembly.
> Though Id just share this, any word of adding this to the lib or compiler optimizations for this?
> my results:
> Parallel     Single
> SQRTPS:0.000120  FSQRT:0.001021
> SQRTPS:0.000114  FSQRT:0.001026
> SQRTPS:0.000114  FSQRT:0.001021
> SQRTPS:0.000114  FSQRT:0.001026
> codepad if you wish to play with it..
> ...times from codepad
> SQRTPS:0.000291  FSQRT:0.000634
> SQRTPS:0.000289  FSQRT:0.000632

>   asm
>   {
>     mov EAX, [pa];
>     mov EBX, [pb];
>     mov ECX, times; //error on a.length
>   REP2:
>     fldpi float ptr[EAX];

shouldn't that be fld ?
fldpi loads 3.1415.... !
Doesn't make any difference to the time, though.

This is exactly why D just got array operations.
August 15, 2008
Don wrote:
> Wyverex wrote:
>> Was messing around with SIMD, SSE stuff..  didn't know how much faster it could be!  Its been a few years since I did any assembly.
>> Though Id just share this, any word of adding this to the lib or compiler optimizations for this?
>> my results:
>> Parallel     Single
>> SQRTPS:0.000120  FSQRT:0.001021
>> SQRTPS:0.000114  FSQRT:0.001026
>> SQRTPS:0.000114  FSQRT:0.001021
>> SQRTPS:0.000114  FSQRT:0.001026
>> codepad if you wish to play with it..
>> ...times from codepad
>> SQRTPS:0.000291  FSQRT:0.000634
>> SQRTPS:0.000289  FSQRT:0.000632
>>   asm
>>   {
>>     mov EAX, [pa];
>>     mov EBX, [pb];
>>     mov ECX, times; //error on a.length
>>   REP2:
>>     fldpi float ptr[EAX];
> shouldn't that be fld ?
> fldpi loads 3.1415.... !
> Doesn't make any difference to the time, though.
> This is exactly why D just got array operations.

i had  fld  first but sqrt of 5 or higher came back as -nan....