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Unexpected behavior of dmd -H switch
Aug 23, 2008
Sergey Gromov
Aug 23, 2008
August 23, 2008
I'm getting strange results when using -H switch with DMD 2.018. Consider an example:

---- begin test.d
uint foo(uint x) { return x & 0xE000_0000; }
---- end test.d

Nothing complex.  Now, compile it using "dmd -c -H test.d".  The resulting .di is:

---- begin test.di
// D import file generated from 'test.d'
uint foo(uint x)
return x & -536870912u;
---- end test.di

Things start getting funny.  A negative unsigned literal?  OK I'm going to test if this compiles.  The test file is:

---- begin test2.d
import test;
import std.stdio;
void main() { writeln(foo(0xb000_0000)); }
---- end test2.d

Compile it using "dmd test2.d" and get "Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D4test3fooFkZk".  But the .di contains the full function body.  Isn't it for inlining?  Well, the "dmd test2.d test.o" compiles fine and executable gives the correct answer.  So the compiler is OK with a negative unsigned literal...

I expect that:
1. the constant should be 3758096384u
2. there should be no need in test.obj, or there should be no body for

Could anybody clarify this?

August 23, 2008
Sergey Gromov:
> I expect that:
> 1. the constant should be 3758096384u
> 2. there should be no need in test.obj, or there should be no body for
> foo()

I don't know regarding 1 (but I don't like it) but regarding 2 D keeps the short functions, shortening the long ones only.

August 24, 2008
"Sergey Gromov" <> wrote in message

> 1. the constant should be 3758096384u

I can at least answer number 1.  Syntactically, numeric literals do not include the sign.  When you write "-5" it's actually parsed as a negation performed on a positive integer.  The semantic pass performs constant folding and turns it into an actual negative integer.  So yes, -5u is legal from a syntactic point of view.  I wasn't entirely aware that negation could be performed on unsigned integers, though.