February 06, 2014
for(size_t i; i < s.length; ++i){
  // do something with s[i]

foreach(i; 0 .. s.length){
  // do something with s[i]

foreach(i, c; s){
  // do something with c and i

What is the preferable way for portability, performance, compiler?
February 06, 2014
On Thursday, 6 February 2014 at 18:50:28 UTC, Cooler wrote:
> Example3:
> foreach(i, c; s){
>   // do something with c and i
> }

this is the best. You can also specific c to be char or wchar or dchar specifically if you want it do do some UTF decoding for you. (char is the default - note that this will send you each byte of a multi-byte sequence. dchar on the other hand will automatically combine those)