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boxen - a media player written in D (preview)
Feb 09, 2010
Michael Mittner
Feb 10, 2010
Feb 10, 2010
Michael Mittner
Feb 10, 2010
Michael Mittner
February 09, 2010

I have hacked together a preview version of the media player I'm working on. It's developing rather nicely and last weekend I was able to tie together a lot of loose ends. The project is in a presentable state for the first time now, so I wanted to just release a quick preview for the D community before starting the next round of refactoring.

Unfortunately it's currently Windows only and you need an audio interface with ASIO for it. If you like to try it out please fell free to download. There's also a PDF in the archive with some more information.

I would be glad if you guys could have a look at it and tell me what you think. If you are affiliated with one of the open source projects I use (Cairo, FFmpeg) please forgive me that I haven't yet put in the proper attribution. I'm planning on making the first "official" release after the next round of refactoring, and I will put in the relevant notices then.

February 10, 2010
Michael Mittner Wrote:

> Hi!
> I have hacked together a preview version of the media player I'm working on. It's developing rather nicely and last weekend I was able to tie together a lot of loose ends. The project is in a presentable state for the first time now, so I wanted to just release a quick preview for the D community before starting the next round of refactoring.
> Unfortunately it's currently Windows only and you need an audio interface with ASIO for it. If you like to try it out please fell free to download. There's also a PDF in the archive with some more information.
> I would be glad if you guys could have a look at it and tell me what you think. If you are affiliated with one of the open source projects I use (Cairo, FFmpeg) please forgive me that I haven't yet put in the proper attribution. I'm planning on making the first "official" release after the next round of refactoring, and I will put in the relevant notices then.
> Regards,
> Mike

It requires zlib1.dll (not in the package). Blue screened my xp sp2 twice. Something audio driver related. Even when not crashing it is not playing anything I drop on it.
February 10, 2010
bobef wrote:

> It requires zlib1.dll (not in the package). Blue screened my xp sp2 twice. Something audio driver related. Even when not crashing it is not playing anything I drop on it.

Oh my. Looks like it's still in a lot worse shape than I thought. May I ask what audio interface you're using?

If you've got some time to spare ... it would be great if you could start it using

boxen -magic:useDummyAudio

and see if it plays anything then.

Thanks for trying,
February 10, 2010
bobef wrote:

> Blue screened my xp sp2 twice.

I've borrowed a couple of audio devices and I'm testing right now, and I got the bluescreen too. Being aware of the problem is halfway there to fixing it :)