Thread overview
std.array.Appender with fixed size arrays
Jun 08, 2010
Richard Webb
Jun 08, 2010
Jun 08, 2010
Ali Çehreli
June 08, 2010

While trying to get some things to build in D2, i noticed that the code:

import std.array;

void main (string[] args)
    string s;
    auto app = appender(&s);
    app.put(['a', 'b']);

works, but if it's changed to;

char[2] tmp = ['a', 'b'];

then it fails. Seems to be because char[2] isn't a forward range, so it doesn't match the version of put that takes a range.

Is this a bug?
June 08, 2010
Richard Webb:
> char[2] tmp = ['a', 'b'];
> app.put(tmp);
> then it fails. Seems to be because char[2] isn't a forward range, so it doesn't match the version of put that takes a range.
> Is this a bug?

Maybe it's not a bug, but it's a limitation. With some more work on the Appender then this limit can be removed. If you want you can fix the problem and submit a patch in bugzilla. Probably it's not too much hard to do.

June 08, 2010
Richard Webb wrote:
> Hi,
> While trying to get some things to build in D2, i noticed that the code:
> ////////////////////
> import std.array;
> void main (string[] args)
> {
>     string s;
>     auto app = appender(&s);
>     app.put(['a', 'b']);
> }
> /////////////////////
> works, but if it's changed to;
> char[2] tmp = ['a', 'b'];
> app.put(tmp);
> then it fails. Seems to be because char[2] isn't a forward range, so it
> doesn't match the version of put that takes a range.
> Is this a bug?

The problem is due to a relatively recent change to D2: the size of fixed sized arrays may not be changed. (I like how it fits their name. :) )
