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"function not callable using argument types" - i disagree
Oct 07, 2014
Vlad Levenfeld
Oct 07, 2014
Vlad Levenfeld
Oct 08, 2014
Nimrod okoudcsharp
October 07, 2014
I'm trying to use the portaudio bindings and can't seem to call Pa_OpenStream, I get this error:

source/pa_test.d(156): Error: function deimos.portaudio.Pa_OpenStream (void** stream, const(PaStreamParameters*) inputParameters, const(PaStreamParameters*) outputParameters, double sampleRate, uint framesPerBuffer, uint streamFlags, extern (C) int function(const(void)* input, void* output, uint frameCount, const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)* timeInfo, uint statusFlags, void* userData) streamCallback, void* userData) is not callable using argument types (void**, PaStreamParameters*, PaStreamParameters*, double, uint, uint, extern (C) int function(const(void)* inputBuffer, void* outputBuffer, uint framesPerBuffer, const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)* timeInfo, uint statusFlags, void* userData), void*)

for clarity, here are the argument lists separated: what I need is up top, what I have is on the bottom:

(void**, const(PaStreamParameters*), const(PaStreamParameters*), double, uint, uint, extern (C) int function(const(void)*, void*, uint, const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)*, uint, void*), void*)

(void**, PaStreamParameters*, PaStreamParameters*, double, uint, uint, extern (C) int function(const(void)*, void*, uint, const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)*, uint, void*), void*)


The only difference I see is in const(PaStreamParameters*) but I feel like every time I pass a non-const argument where a const is required, the conversion should be implicit. At least, that's the way I seem to recall it working.

What am I doing wrong?
October 07, 2014
Update: I just did a manual cast. Still getting there error. Here's the new argument lists:

(void**, const(PaStreamParameters*), const(PaStreamParameters*), double, uint, uint, extern (C) int function(const(void)*, void*, uint, const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)*, uint, void*), void*)

(void**, const(PaStreamParameters*), const(PaStreamParameters*), double, uint, uint, extern (C) int function(const(void)*, void*, uint, const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)*, uint, void*), void*)

They're identical... unless I'm losing my mind. Yet still its "not callable using argument types"
October 08, 2014
On Tuesday, 7 October 2014 at 19:15:31 UTC, Vlad Levenfeld wrote:
> Update: I just did a manual cast. Still getting there error. Here's the new argument lists:
> (void**, const(PaStreamParameters*), const(PaStreamParameters*), double, uint, uint, extern (C) int function(const(void)*, void*, uint, const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)*, uint, void*), void*)
> (void**, const(PaStreamParameters*), const(PaStreamParameters*), double, uint, uint, extern (C) int function(const(void)*, void*, uint, const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)*, uint, void*), void*)
> They're identical... unless I'm losing my mind. Yet still its "not callable using argument types"

Have you tried the switch -vcolumn ? Maybe it'll point the location of the problem in a more accurate way. Just an idea.
October 08, 2014
On 10/7/14 3:15 PM, Vlad Levenfeld wrote:
> Update: I just did a manual cast. Still getting there error. Here's the
> new argument lists:
> (void**, const(PaStreamParameters*), const(PaStreamParameters*), double,
> uint, uint, extern (C) int function(const(void)*, void*, uint,
> const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)*, uint, void*), void*)
> (void**, const(PaStreamParameters*), const(PaStreamParameters*), double,
> uint, uint, extern (C) int function(const(void)*, void*, uint,
> const(PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo)*, uint, void*), void*)
> They're identical... unless I'm losing my mind. Yet still its "not
> callable using argument types"

I would suggest removing each parameter from the function prototype and call, until you find the culprit. Then put everything else back in. Try moving the parameters around.

Yes, the compiled code won't work, but this looks to me like a compiler bug (at least a diagnostic issue), and it will help narrow down a simple case you can submit.
