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Extracting user defined attributes on function parameters
Apr 14, 2020
Jean-Louis Leroy
Apr 14, 2020
Adam D. Ruppe
Apr 14, 2020
Jean-Louis Leroy
Apr 15, 2020
Adam D. Ruppe
Apr 15, 2020
H. S. Teoh
Apr 18, 2020
Simen Kjærås
Apr 18, 2020
Simen Kjærås
Apr 15, 2020
Jean-Louis Leroy
Apr 17, 2020
Jean-Louis Leroy
Apr 17, 2020
Adam D. Ruppe
Apr 17, 2020
Jean-Louis Leroy
Apr 17, 2020
Adam D. Ruppe
Apr 17, 2020
Jean-Louis Leroy
Apr 17, 2020
Jean-Louis Leroy
Apr 17, 2020
Adam D. Ruppe
Apr 17, 2020
Simen Kjærås
Apr 17, 2020
H. S. Teoh
April 14, 2020
I can see them:

    import std.traits;

    struct foo;
    struct bar;

    void f(@foo int, @foo @bar @("baz") real);

    pragma(msg, Parameters!f);
    // (@(foo) int, @(tuple(tuple(foo), tuple(bar)), tuple("baz")) real)

...but I cannot find how to get hold of them:

    pragma(msg, (Mystery!f)[0]); // foo
    pragma(msg, __traits(mystery, f)[0]); // foo

And besides the structure looks weird for the second argument. It's as if the UDAs were applied to one another, from left to right.

I did search the documentation and google for 1/2 hour.

April 14, 2020
On Tuesday, 14 April 2020 at 21:35:12 UTC, Jean-Louis Leroy wrote:
> I can see them:

There's some weird tricks to it. Check out my old blog sidebar about it here:


April 14, 2020
On Tuesday, 14 April 2020 at 21:44:51 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> On Tuesday, 14 April 2020 at 21:35:12 UTC, Jean-Louis Leroy wrote:
>> I can see them:
> There's some weird tricks to it. Check out my old blog sidebar about it here:
> http://dpldocs.info/this-week-in-d/Blog.Posted_2019_02_11.html#how-to-get-uda-on-a-function-param

O.....kay. It looks like `is` is D's Swiss army chainsaw. Yeah I never read the `is` doc properly. Now I am beginning to understand how `std.traits.Parameters` works.


April 15, 2020
On Tuesday, 14 April 2020 at 21:54:14 UTC, Jean-Louis Leroy wrote:
> O.....kay. It looks like `is` is D's Swiss army chainsaw.

Aye, is and __traits are the two built-in compile-time reflection avenues. The phobos std.traits things (for the most part, look at the source for the default parameter values thing and lol you'll see some of them get quite involved) wrap them.

is() is a bit weird, but I described it in my "D Cookbook" to some success... and writing that description helped me make sense of it. The docs list like seven forms of it, but they are mostly just one big thing with a lot of optional pieces you can leave out, coupled with a little bit of magic when you use certain keywords, like __parameters.


I like to think of it as a kind of magic variable declaration

is(SomeExistingType yourOptionalIdenfier == some_optional_pattern)

(or you can use : instead of == for a looser match. == is equality, and : indicates implicit conversion, like how class Foo : Interface can implicitly convert to Interface, so `is(Foo : Interface)` passes.

If you leave off both the ident and the pattern, it just check is the type is a type:

static if(is(Object)) // passed because Object is a type

static if(is(10)) // fails because 10 isn't a type, it is a value

static if(is(adasdsa)) // fails because undefined identifier

If you provide the optional identifier, it aliases the match inline for you. I think of the syntax as being like a variable declaration. So just like

int a; // defines a new variable with the name "a"

static if(is(Object a)) // defines a new alias with the name "a" being the same as Object

Then you add on the pattern. These are generally written like the variable declaration too, but you can define placeholders. Simple example:

static if(is(typeof(a) == int))

more complex example:

static if(is(typeof(a) == T[], T))

In that one, the pattern is "T[]", looking like a type, but then since I specified ", T" afterward, it means T is a placeholder.

So that would match if typeof(a) is some kind of array, and then T gets the element type.

int[] a;
static if(is(typeof(a) == T[], T)) // passes because a is an array, T == int

Those can get pretty complex because you're allowed to add as many placeholders as you need for an arbitrarily complex pattern, though I prefer to keep it kinda simple and use two levels of static if to cover more complicated things.

Then the last magic is the pattern on the right-hand side can be various keywords.

static if(is(Object == class))

passes if Object is a class. You can also do that with struct, interface, union, const, immutable, and shared.

But if you look at the docs, you see there are a few other magic keywords too, like `enum`, return, function, delegate, super, and __parameters. They still match what you expect basically - if it is a function pointer, or an enum, etc., but the real magic is they change what the alias you can define in the is() expression refers to. So then it isn't just a convenience alias for the condition, it actually becomes an aspect of that type, like the return type, or the params, or the parent class.

So yes a swiss army chainsaw :P but once you know its few tricks and patterns it isn't as hard as the docs make it look.
April 14, 2020
On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 12:01:51AM +0000, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote: [...]
> is() is a bit weird, but I described it in my "D Cookbook" to some success... and writing that description helped me make sense of it. The docs list like seven forms of it, but they are mostly just one big thing with a lot of optional pieces you can leave out, coupled with a little bit of magic when you use certain keywords, like __parameters.

is(T params == __parameters) is one of the most evil arcane black magic corners of D, as I wrote here:


It feels like it was shoehorned into is() because that was the most convenient place at the time, but it's really a strange arcane beast that has its own quirky behaviours that are different from anything else I've seen in D.


The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world. -- Anonymous
April 15, 2020
Thanks to both of you!

As part of implementing full support for attributes in openmethods, I am developing a reflection library. That helped a lot.

> is() is a bit weird, but I described it in my "D Cookbook" to some success...

I am going to order it...even though it is not available on Kindle ;-)

April 17, 2020
Alas the presence of parameter UDAs breaks std.traits.ParameterDefaults:

import std.traits;

struct attr;
void f(@attr int);

pragma(msg, ParameterDefaults!f.stringof);


dmd -c bug.d
bug.d(4): Error: undefined identifier `attr`, did you mean variable `ptr`?
/home/jll/dlang/dmd-2.090.1/linux/bin64/../../src/phobos/std/traits.d(1526): Error: template instance `std.traits.ParameterDefaults!(f).Get!0LU` error instantiating
/home/jll/dlang/dmd-2.090.1/linux/bin64/../../src/phobos/std/traits.d(1529):        instantiated from here: `Impl!0LU`
bug.d(6):        instantiated from here: `ParameterDefaults!(f)`
bug.d(6):        while evaluating `pragma(msg, ParameterDefaults!(f).stringof)`

I filed a bug report (20744). And examined the code of ParameterDefaults. I think I understand how it works, for the most part, but I haven't been able to find a fix yet.

I'd like to understand why taking a slice of __parameters vs fetching the first element matters. What is the (meta?) type of __parameters[0..1]? I think I'd need to make a copy of it, minus the UDAs tucked at the beginning. But I haven't found a way of splitting it into smaller components. I tried using indexation and variadic template parameters, but it always collapses into a string. Makes me think of wave functions in quantum mechanics ;-)

April 17, 2020
On Friday, 17 April 2020 at 16:40:15 UTC, Jean-Louis Leroy wrote:
> Alas the presence of parameter UDAs breaks std.traits.ParameterDefaults:
> import std.traits;
> struct attr;
> void f(@attr int);

This part seems fine...

> pragma(msg, ParameterDefaults!f.stringof);

It is this, specifically, that causes the problem. Replace it with:

void main() {
        import std.stdio;

and it is fine.

So pragma(msg) is doing something really weird, the bug doesn't appear to be in Phobos per se, I think it is the compiler doing the wrong thing, it seems to me it works inside a function scope but not at module scope......

> I'd like to understand why taking a slice of __parameters vs fetching the first element matters. What is the (meta?) type of __parameters[0..1]?

The first element alone becomes a type. The slice maintains the magic data inside the compiler; it contains stuff the rest of the language cannot express by itself except in parameter lists.

It is weird.

> collapses into a string. Makes me think of wave functions in quantum mechanics ;-)

well it is dependent on when the compiler observes it sooooo lol
April 17, 2020
On Friday, 17 April 2020 at 16:54:42 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> void main() {
>         import std.stdio;
>         writeln(ParameterDefaults!f.stringof);
> }
> and it is fine.

Well, can't do. I need this purely at compile time, and cross-module. That's for supporting UDAs and default parameter values in openmethods. If you want a peek at what I am up to, see here: https://github.com/jll63/openmethods.d/blob/bolts-reflection/source/bolts/reflection/metafunction.d
April 17, 2020
On Friday, 17 April 2020 at 16:54:42 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> This part seems fine...
>> pragma(msg, ParameterDefaults!f.stringof);
> It is this, specifically, that causes the problem. Replace it with:
> void main() {
>         import std.stdio;
>         writeln(ParameterDefaults!f.stringof);
> }
> and it is fine.
> So pragma(msg) is doing something really weird, the bug doesn't appear to be in Phobos per se, I think it is the compiler doing the wrong thing, it seems to me it works inside a function scope but not at module scope......

It's even more fascinating - the issue doesn't occur if ParameterDefaults is defined in the same module that it's used in, and it works if there's a type with the same name as the UDA. Reducing the code as much as I can, I get this:

struct S {}

void f(@S int = 3);

pragma(msg, ParameterDefaults!f.stringof);

template ParameterDefaults(func...) {
    import std.traits : FunctionTypeOf;
    static if (is(FunctionTypeOf!(func[0]) PT == __parameters)) {
        enum ParameterDefaults = (PT[0..1] args) @trusted {
            return *&(args[0]);

The above code works, and prints "3". If you move ParameterDefaults to a different module, something like this:


import bar;

struct S {}

void f(@S int = 3);

pragma(msg, ParameterDefaults!f.stringof);


module bar;

template ParameterDefaults(func...) {
    static if (is(typeof(func[0]) PT == __parameters)) {
        enum ParameterDefaults = (PT[0..1] args) @trusted {
            return *&(args[0]);

Then you get an error message about 'undefined identifier S'. Add some kind of S to bar, and you get an error message about S not being readable at compile-time or things just work if it is readable. It seems the UDA is being looked up in the wrong context.

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