March 29, 2013
2013/3/29 bearophile <>

> One handy tuple syntax in Haskell allows you to name both the items of a tuple and it whole:
> void foo(t2@{int a, string b}) {
>    // here a and b are tuple items and t2 is the whole tuple.
> }
> auto t1@{x, y} = {10, "hi"};
> foo(t1);

It will introduce a kind of "reference variable" to D.

auto t1@{x, y} = {10, "hi"};
assert(&t1[0] == &x);
// t1[0] and x may refer same address on stack.

Such case, you can repeat pack and unpack.

void foo({int a, string b}) {
   // auto t2 = {a, b};  // make tuple by copy, or
   // {a, b} = {1, 2};    // make pack and use it immediately
auto {x, y} = {10, "hi"};  foo({x, y});

> auto tup = {};  // zero-element tuple (Syntax meaning will be changed!)
> Nullary tuples are not that useful in D. Scala doesn't even have a short literal for them.
> So a longer syntax like this is acceptable:
> auto tup = Tuple();

This is for the consistency of language elements.
If you want to zero-parameter lambda, you can write like follows.

auto fn = (){};
auto fn = {;};

> - - - - - - - - - - - -
> This is nice, so we are merging tuple types with tuples, this will simplify D language:
> // declare tuple value by using explicit tuple type
> {int, string} tup = {1, "hi"};
>  alias TL = {int, string[], double[string]};  // types
> But one thing to remember in the document is that here T1 and T2 are different, because your tuples do not auto-flatten as TypeTuples currently do:
> alias T1 = {float, double, real};
> alias T2 = {float, double, {real}};

It would need more description. I'll explain about that.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
> foreach (Float; {float, double, real}) { ... }
> I think you meant to put a variable name there.

Float is the iterated type.

> - - - - - - - - - - - -
>     {1}         // one-element tuple
> I presume this too will be accepted as 1-tuple:
>     {1,}

Currently D allows redundant commas in some places.
void foo(int x, int y,) {}
enum E { a = 1, b = 2, }
auto arr = [1,2,3,];

So, compiler would accept following tuples.

auto tup = {1,};
auto tup = {1,"hi",};

> - - - - - - - - - - - -
> {c, $} = tup;   // Rewritten as: c = tup[0];
> $ is used for array lengths, so it's not so good to overload it to mean "don't care" too.
> Alternative syntaxes:
> {c, $_} = tup;
> {c, @} = tup;
> {c, @_} = tup;
> {c, $$} = tup;
> {c, {}} = tup;
> {c, {_}} = tup;
> {c, $~} = tup;
> {c, @~= tup;
> etc.

Placeholder token is debatable.

> - - - - - - - - - - - -
> if (auto {1, y} = tup) {
>     // If the first element of tup (tup[0]) is equal to 1,
>     // y captures the second element of tup (tup[1]).
> }
> I suggest to leave that pattern matching plus conditional to a future refinement of tuple implementation (a second stage. And remove it from this first stage proposal. So I suggest to split your proposal in two successive proposals). It seems handy, but D programmers need some time to go there.

For complex tuple unpacking requires the part of pattern matching.

auto tup = {1, {2,3,4,5,6}}
auto {x, {$, y, ...}} = tup;   // makes nested tuple pattern for unpacking
assert(x == 1);
assert(y == 3);

So I'd like to keep one DIP.

> - - - - - - - - - - - -
> switch (tup) {
>     case {1, 2}:
>     case {$, 2}:
>     case {1, x}:    // capture tup[1] into 'x' when tup[0] == 1
>     default:        // same as {...}
> }
> What's quite important here is the "final switch". D has to make sure you are considering all possible cases.
> - - - - - - - - - - - -
> I suggest to leave this to the second stage, and remove it from this proposal:
> auto tup = {1, "hi", 3.14, [1,2,3]};
> if (auto {1, "hi", ...} = tup) {}
> - - - - - - - - - - - -
> "will" is written badly:
> // If the first element of coord is equal to 1 (== x), 'then' statement
> wil be evaluated.

Will fix.

> - - - - - - - - - - - -
> I think this is the third thing to leave to the second stage:
> int x = 1;
> if (auto {$x, y} = coord) { ... }
> - - - - - - - - - - - -
> This is nice:
> if (auto {x, y} = coord[]) {}   // same, explicitly expands fields
> - - - - - - - - - - - -
> This is handy and it's vaguely present in Python3, but I suggest to leave this (4th thing) to the second stage:
> if (auto {num, msg, ...} = tup) {}      // ok, `...` matches to
> zero-elements.

Kenji Hara

March 29, 2013
kenji hara:

> For tuple values with named fields, we need more thoughts about semantics.
> alias MyPair = typeof({1, "hi"});
> alias MyRecord = typeof({count:1, msg:"hi"});
> static assert(is(MyPair == MyRecord));  // true or false?
> static assert(is(MyPair  : MyRecord));  // true or false?
> static assert(is(MyRecord  : MyPair));  // true or false?
> alias MyStudent = typeof({num:1, name:"John"});
> static assert(is(MyRecord == MyStudent));  // true or false?

One solution:

{count:1, "hi"} and {1, msg:"hi"} are invariant.

{count:1, msg:"hi"}, {count:1, "hi"} and {1, msg:"hi"} are covariant to {1, "hi"}.

But I think it's better to leave this to the Stage2.

March 29, 2013
2013/3/29 Timon Gehr <>

> Looks quite nice. I especially like the {a, b} => ... thing.
> I think, however, that there are a handful serious flaws that need to be addressed:
> 0 "Inside tuple literal, ; never appears."
>   {{;}}           // a tuple not matching your specification

It will be parsed as:
{     // tuple braces
    {;}   // function literal braces

>   {{if(foo()){}}} // a non-tuple matching your specification

{    // tuple braces
    {    // function literal braces
        if (foo()){}   // "if" always appears in statement scope

> 1 "Note: Cannot swap values by tuple assignment."
>   IMO a no-go. The syntax is too accessible to introduce this kind of
>   pitfall.

Allowing value swap in tuple assignment will make language complex. I can't agree with it.

> 2 "// Error: cannnot use $ inside a function literal"
>   That's a DMD-ism presumably stemming from laziness during "fixing" of
>   an ICE/wrong code bug or something. I'd hate to carry this over to
>   the spec. Don't rely on it. The disambiguation is arbitrary, but may
>   be necessary. (It's not like it is a case actually occurring in real
>   code.)
> 3 Unpacking / pattern matching is underspecified.
>   - Do patterns nest?

I think it should be allowed.

>   - Which right-hand sides are allowed with which semantics?

Whether it is a pattern or a tuple-literal, is distinguished by their appeared locations.

>   - Which left-hand sides are allowed with which semantics?
>     eg, what about:
>       ref int foo() { ... }
>       { foo(), foo() } = {1, 2};

It will be lowered to:
// { foo(), foo() } = {1, 2};
foo() = 1;
foo() = 2;

> 4 There is no way to capture the part matched by "..."

I think this should be allowed.

auto {x, r...} = tup;
// Lowered to:
// auto x = tup[0];
// auto r = tup[1..$]

`...` is very consistent token for this purpose.

template X(T...) {}
alias x = X!(int, long);  // T captures {int, long}

> 5 .expand (or similar) property is missing.

Use tup[]. It is already exists.

> 6 Relation to {a: 2, b: 3}-style struct literals not explained.

I am skeptical of the necessity of tuple literal with named fields.

7 Tuple unpacking for template parameters not mentioned.
> Is there a migration path for Phobos tuples planned?
> Eg. template Tuple(T...){ alias Tuple = {T}; }
>     (field spec parsing left out for illustration)

Kenji Hara

March 29, 2013
On 03/29/2013 04:32 PM, kenji hara wrote:
> 2013/3/29 Timon Gehr < <>>
>     Looks quite nice. I especially like the {a, b} => ... thing.
>     I think, however, that there are a handful serious flaws that need
>     to be addressed:
>     0 "Inside tuple literal, ; never appears."
>        {{;}}           // a tuple not matching your specification
> It will be parsed as:
> {     // tuple braces

It contains ';', therefore the DIP says it is a function literal brace.

>      {;}   // function literal braces
> }
>        {{if(foo()){}}} // a non-tuple matching your specification
> {    // tuple braces
>      {    // function literal braces

There is no ';', therefore the DIP says it is a tuple brace.

>          if (foo()){}   // "if" always appears in statement scope
>      }
> }

I know how it _should_ be. The DIP contradicts what you say.

>     1 "Note: Cannot swap values by tuple assignment."
>        IMO a no-go. The syntax is too accessible to introduce this kind of
>        pitfall.
> Allowing value swap in tuple assignment will make language complex. I
> can't agree with it.

Quite obviously it is the other way round. There will be a never-ending flood of d.D.learn posts on the topic.

>     2 "// Error: cannnot use $ inside a function literal"
>        That's a DMD-ism presumably stemming from laziness during "fixing" of
>        an ICE/wrong code bug or something. I'd hate to carry this over to
>        the spec. Don't rely on it. The disambiguation is arbitrary, but may
>        be necessary. (It's not like it is a case actually occurring in real
>        code.)
>     3 Unpacking / pattern matching is underspecified.
>        - Do patterns nest?
> I think it should be allowed.


>        - Which right-hand sides are allowed with which semantics?
> Whether it is a pattern or a tuple-literal, is distinguished by their
> appeared locations.

Obviously, but this statement is not related to my question.
Valid right-hand sides seem to be at least tuples and expanded tuples (sequences). Anything else?

>        - Which left-hand sides are allowed with which semantics?
>          eg, what about:
>            ref int foo() { ... }
>            { foo(), foo() } = {1, 2};
> It will be lowered to:
> // { foo(), foo() } = {1, 2};
> foo() = 1;
> foo() = 2;


>     4 There is no way to capture the part matched by "..."
> I think this should be allowed.
> auto {x, r...} = tup;
> // Lowered to:
> // auto x = tup[0];
> // auto r = tup[1..$]
> `...` is very consistent token for this purpose.


> template X(T...) {}
> alias x = X!(int, long);  // T captures {int, long}

Not really. T captures {int, long}.expand.

>     5 .expand (or similar) property is missing.
> Use tup[]. It is already exists.

Slicing obviously shouldn't auto-expand. It's a shortcoming of the Phobos tuple introduced because static slicing cannot be overloaded.

>     6 Relation to {a: 2, b: 3}-style struct literals not explained.
> I am skeptical of the necessity of tuple literal with named fields.

Sure, but you'd at least have to argue in the DIP that the parser can distinguish the two, and how.

>     7 Tuple unpacking for template parameters not mentioned.
>     Is there a migration path for Phobos tuples planned?
>     Eg. template Tuple(T...){ alias Tuple = {T}; }
>          (field spec parsing left out for illustration)

You have not answered the last two points.

March 29, 2013
kenji hara:

>> 5 .expand (or similar) property is missing.
> Use tup[]. It is already exists.

You are right, I didn't know/remember about that:

import std.typecons;
void foo(int, int) {}
void main() {
    auto t = tuple(1, 2);
    auto t2 = tuple(1, 2, 3);
    foo(t2[0 .. 2]);

But I don't like that. t2[0 .. 2] should return a new tuple that contains just the first two items. And like every one tuple it's not supposed to auto-unpack. So I think this is a design mistake that should be fixed in the new tuples.

March 29, 2013
On 2013-03-29 13:49, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> My first thought when I saw {} was json. This is getting a little
> further away from tuples, but would it be hard to add named fields to
> this too like json:
> auto a = {"foo":12, "bar":"twelve"};
> int a_foo =;
> string a_bar = a[1];

I had a proposal of anonymous structs that is similar to this:$1cro$

/Jacob Carlborg
March 29, 2013
On 2013-03-29 14:26, Timon Gehr wrote:

> Remove the quotes and it looks like a struct literal.
> I think if named fields are allowed, it should look as follows:
> auto a = {foo: 12, bar: "twelve"};

I agree.

/Jacob Carlborg
March 29, 2013
2013/3/30 Timon Gehr <>

> On 03/29/2013 04:32 PM, kenji hara wrote:
>> 2013/3/29 Timon Gehr < <>>
>> It will be parsed as:
>> {     // tuple braces
> It contains ';', therefore the DIP says it is a function literal brace.
>       {;}   // function literal braces
>> }
>>        {{if(foo()){}}} // a non-tuple matching your specification
>> {    // tuple braces
>>      {    // function literal braces
> There is no ';', therefore the DIP says it is a tuple brace.
>           if (foo()){}   // "if" always appears in statement scope
>>      }
>> }
> I know how it _should_ be. The DIP contradicts what you say.

Sorry my incomplete description and poor English. I'll improve description in DIP.

> Allowing value swap in tuple assignment will make language complex. I
>> can't agree with it.
> Quite obviously it is the other way round. There will be a never-ending flood of d.D.learn posts on the topic.

Yes, I agree with it. But, I won't change my opinion. So I'll stop talking about that.

>         - Which right-hand sides are allowed with which semantics?
>> Whether it is a pattern or a tuple-literal, is distinguished by their appeared locations.
> Obviously, but this statement is not related to my question.
> Valid right-hand sides seem to be at least tuples and expanded tuples
> (sequences). Anything else?

Sorry I don't understand you question.

     4 There is no way to capture the part matched by "..."
>> I think this should be allowed.
>> auto {x, r...} = tup;
>> // Lowered to:
>> // auto x = tup[0];
>> // auto r = tup[1..$]
>> `...` is very consistent token for this purpose.
> Questionable.
>  template X(T...) {}
>> alias x = X!(int, long);  // T captures {int, long}
> Not really. T captures {int, long}.expand.
>      5 .expand (or similar) property is missing.
>> Use tup[]. It is already exists.
> Slicing obviously shouldn't auto-expand. It's a shortcoming of the Phobos tuple introduced because static slicing cannot be overloaded.

I think it will become reasonable. If you really want re-packing tuple, you can use {tup[0..1]}. It's quite handy.

     6 Relation to {a: 2, b: 3}-style struct literals not explained.
>> I am skeptical of the necessity of tuple literal with named fields.
> Sure, but you'd at least have to argue in the DIP that the parser can distinguish the two, and how.
>      7 Tuple unpacking for template parameters not mentioned.
Will add description about it.

    Is there a migration path for Phobos tuples planned?
>>     Eg. template Tuple(T...){ alias Tuple = {T}; }
>>          (field spec parsing left out for illustration)
I have no plan.

Kenji Hara

March 29, 2013
kenji hara:

> I think it will become reasonable. If you really want re-packing tuple, you
> can use {tup[0..1]}. It's quite handy.

This is a bad idea. It is not handy and it introduces a special case. Explicit is better than implicit.

March 29, 2013
2013/3/30 bearophile <>

> kenji hara:
>  I think it will become reasonable. If you really want re-packing tuple,
>> you
>> can use {tup[0..1]}. It's quite handy.
> This is a bad idea. It is not handy and it introduces a special case. Explicit is better than implicit.

That is "explicit". In D, opened tuple (currently it's generated from
template parameters, e.g. std.typetuple.TypeTuple) and closed tuple
(currently created by structs with alias tuple_field this; e.g.
std.typecons.Tuple) are distinct. Slice operator always returns opened
If tup[0..1] makes closed tuple implicitly, you cannot make new flattened
tuple from other tuples.

auto x = {1,"hi"};
auto y = {[1,2], S(1)};
auto tup1 = {x[], y[]};   // creates {1,"hi", [1,2], S(1)}
auto tup2 = {x, y};   // creates {{1,"hi"}, {[1,2], S(1)}}

Under your semantics, it is impossible.

Kenji Hara.