December 02, 2013
Le 02/12/2013 08:42, Jacob Carlborg a écrit :
> On 2013-11-28 21:54, Xavier Bigand wrote:
>> Yep, that the goal, having applications with a real personality. I don't
>> think it's an issue especially when application is full screen and
>> respect pictographs (icons and texts) standards,...
>> Having custom UI can help applications to improve ergonomic with
>> dedicated behaviors when it's needed.
>> D itself isn't limited to one policy, you can do objects or not,... the
>> only things that is important is to let a strong default couple of style
>> and ergonomic without adding complexity for users want do some custom
>> stuff.
>> What is native on windows ?
>>   - Win32
>>   - Winforms
>>   - Qt Widgets (that is near Win32)?
>> And on linux ?
>>   - GTK (with gnome and KDE)
>>   - Qt QML (KDE future)
>> A native UI isn't necessary considered as the standard one, maybe Qt
>> have a chance to be a real standard (on many platforms).
> I would say that the native GUI is the one that is installed by default
> and you can always rely on being available. Sure, that may mean multiple
> native GUI's.

I think you are right
December 02, 2013
On Saturday, 30 November 2013 at 10:02:40 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
> I am using QML/Go (and QML/Python, two separate backend implementations
> based on the same QML) for a pet project (which as a sideline supports
> my Python and Go training courses and is research for a possible
> startup). I had been hoping to do QML/D as well but the only graphics
> engine that is really viable with D just now is GtkD. I may well try a
> GtkD/Vibe.d/D version of this but it is really back burner. If there was
> a possibility of QML/Vibe.d/D now that would be really interesting.

You may want take a look at DQuick :

It runs on top of openGL too, the main difference is that you describe the UI in dedicated script files. Scripts allow to provide fully dynamical UIs.

An UI file (original lua script format for the moment) :

    id = "main",

    Image {
        id = "kerningImageButton",

        source = "images/border-image.png",
        width = 300,
        height = 50,

        MouseArea {
            id = "kerningButton",
            width = function()
                return kerningImageButton.width
            height = function()
                return kerningImageButton.height

    ScrollView {
        id = "scrollView",

        y = function()
            return kerningImageButton.height
        width = function()
            return main.width
        height = function()
            return main.height - scrollView.y

        clip = true,

        Text {
            id = "text",

            wrapMode = Text.WrapMode.WordWrap,

            width = function()
                return scrollView.width
            height = function()
                return scrollView.height

            text = textFr,
            family = function()
                if (kerningButton.pressed) then
                    return "AngsanaUPC"
                return "Arial"
            fontSize = 24,
            fontStyle = function()
                if (kerningButton.pressed) then
                    return Text.FontStyle.Italic
                return Text.FontStyle.Regular
December 11, 2013
AFAIK the linux situation looks like this.

GTK is the current native toolkit for the Gnome based environments and
descendants including Unity.
Canonical are trying to move towards Qt for Unity.
Qt is the standard toolkit for KDE.

However Qt can treat GTK as a native toolkit and will render native GTK widgets in Gnome as it does render native windows widgets on windows and native Mac widgets on mac. It does take a bit of work and testing with margin sizes etc to get a Qt App to look exactly like a GTK App. Conversely the KDE devs have come up with a fairly nice GTK theme (oxygen)  that matches the native KDE apps quite closely when using the default theme (except for the far shitier file dialogs I guess).
December 11, 2013
I wanted to work with Qt from Dlang and do it with QtE.d (
December 11, 2013
GTK is too ugly.
December 11, 2013
On Wednesday, 11 December 2013 at 20:25:43 UTC, Temtaime wrote:
> GTK is too ugly.

css is good for prettifying it :-)

December 12, 2013
"Temtaime" <> wrote:
> GTK is too ugly.

But it's free.
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