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Proposal new type "flags"
Jan 10, 2007
Jan 10, 2007
Steve Horne
Feb 05, 2007
Feb 07, 2007
Steve Horne
Jan 11, 2007
Jason House
January 10, 2007
	Hi folks,

many functions may be controlled by some flags that are combined
in an uint value. However, this is not type safe. You can unintentionally
provide/combine flags that are not intended for that function.
The solution would be a "flags" data type, similar to enums:

flags BaseFlags

flags PrettyFlags : BaseFlags    // use all flags defined in BaseFlags, plus:

void service( PrettyFlags whattodo )
{ /* ... */ }

void main()
  service( 0x02 );               // error: this is the usual but unsafe way
  service( PrettyFlags.FEATURE2
           | PrettyFlags.DONT_CRASH );  // ok and type safe
  service( FEATURE2|DONTCRASH );        // maybe also ok?

  - the following operations are valid:
    ==, !=   equality tests
    <>, !<>  tests presence of all flags from the right operand:
    |, |=    setting flags
    &, &=    erasing flags
    ^, ^=    toggling flags
    ~        inverting
    !        conversion to bool
    is       including is( i : s ) and is( i == s )

  - properties:
    .init    flags value with no bits set
    .sizeof  8, 16, 32 or 64, depending on the number of flags
    .count   number of flags
    .all     flags value with all flags set (same as ~.init)

  - flags can be inherited by another flags type
    (by the way: why can enums not be inherited?)

  - flags are implicitly converted to theyr base type

  - flags are implicitly converted to bool

  - flags are cool ;-)
January 10, 2007
"Rueschi" <> wrote in message news:eo1nft$1831$
> Hi folks,
> many functions may be controlled by some flags that are combined
> in an uint value. However, this is not type safe. You can unintentionally
> provide/combine flags that are not intended for that function.
> The solution would be a "flags" data type, similar to enums:
> ...
>  - flags are cool ;-)

I have wanted something like this so, so many times.  Enums make you expliitly number the flags and then you have to use a plain uint param to accept flags.. it's just a pain.  Something like this would be fantastic.

January 10, 2007
On Wed, 10 Jan 2007 00:39:03 -0500, "Jarrett Billingsley" <> wrote:

>"Rueschi" <> wrote in message news:eo1nft$1831$

>> many functions may be controlled by some flags that are combined
>> in an uint value. However, this is not type safe. You can unintentionally
>> provide/combine flags that are not intended for that function.
>> The solution would be a "flags" data type, similar to enums:
>I have wanted something like this so, so many times.  Enums make you expliitly number the flags and then you have to use a plain uint param to accept flags.. it's just a pain.  Something like this would be fantastic.

I'm pretty sceptical about this.

The thing is that I tend to want some things that aren't single-bit flags - some things that use several bits. Or at least the ability to test several flags in one go. To do that, you need masks to isolate each group of bits as well as the various values for each group. Having a flags feature that could cope with generalisations like that would probably be more complex than its worth, and if it can't handle these generalisations, to me it's worse than worthless. Yes, worse, since you'd end up wasting time converting other peoples flag sets to enumerates with explicit values when the requirements change and you need those generalisations.

Another common requirement is to pack a couple of flags into the most significant bits of an integer that doesn't need all its bits. This means having flag values that start high and count downward, and having a mask to extract the integer itself as well. For example, in a multiway tree data structure (such as a B+ tree database index) I might pack leaf-node and root-node flags into the high two bits of a node-size field.

A simple one-bit-per-flag counting upwards from bit zero is, for me, a very rare exceptional case. The only cases where I remember it happening are in artificial teaching examples back in college. The nearest real-world programming match I have is a C++ set-of-unsigned-integers class that I use a lot which packs bitsets into an underlying vector of integers, but the flags are associated with integer values (normally some kind of UID), not identifier names.

Also, packing bits into an integer tends to be slower than just using a boolean type, and since the saving in memory is usually small (saving a couple of bytes here and there is pointless on machines with megabytes, let alone gigabytes, of memory) there's no gain to pay for the extra complexity. You should only do it if you have a specific good reason.

The main use of packed bit flags is in file formats and communications protocols, and in that case you probably want to specify explicit flag values anyway - either because you are working to someone elses file format, or because you don't want flag values to change accidentally between versions just because someone added a new flag in the wrong place.

There's a 'set' feature in Pascal that essentially does this, but one thing I remember quite clearly from back when I used Turbo Pascal is that I always handled my flag sets explicitly by packing them into integers myself. Using sets was simply not practical for real-world programs.

That said, I quite regularly use lists of strings as flag sets in Python. It's easy, so if I don't care about efficiency, why not? The point being that different issues affect different projects, and perhaps this flags feature really is the right tool for certain jobs.

Remove 'wants' and 'nospam' from e-mail.
January 11, 2007
I think this is a start, but I think that a complete discussion of how enums are used in C/C++ is required.

I think that enums are used in one of two methods:
* As bit-based masks
* As a (complete) set of values that a variable can take

I'd be ok with calling the first flags and the 2nd enums.  This would clean up the issues with printing enums (my personal pet peeve with D).

I think that this'll need to be expanded to include multi-bit masks and the option to explicitly specify the values for particular masks.

Rueschi wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> 	Hi folks,
> many functions may be controlled by some flags that are combined
> in an uint value. However, this is not type safe. You can unintentionally
> provide/combine flags that are not intended for that function.
> The solution would be a "flags" data type, similar to enums:
February 05, 2007
At first: I found 2 errors in my proposal - where I wrote
>     .sizeof  8, 16, 32 or 64, depending on the number of flags
>     .all     flags value with all flags set (same as ~.init)
I actually meant
    .sizeof  1, 2, 4 or 8, depending on the number of flags
    .all     flags value with all flags set
             (with ~x.all==x.init and ~x.init==x.all)

Steve Horne schrieb:
> On Wed, 10 Jan 2007 00:39:03 -0500, "Jarrett Billingsley" <> wrote:
>> "Rueschi" <> wrote in message news:eo1nft$1831$
>>> many functions may be controlled by some flags that are combined
>>> in an uint value. However, this is not type safe. You can unintentionally
>>> provide/combine flags that are not intended for that function.
>>> The solution would be a "flags" data type, similar to enums:
>> I have wanted something like this so, so many times.  Enums make you expliitly number the flags and then you have to use a plain uint param to accept flags.. it's just a pain.  Something like this would be fantastic.
> I'm pretty sceptical about this.
> The thing is that I tend to want some things that aren't single-bit flags - some things that use several bits. Or at least the ability to test several flags in one go. To do that, you need masks to isolate each group of bits as well as the various values for each group. Having a flags feature that could cope with generalisations like that would probably be more complex than its worth, and if it can't handle these generalisations, to me it's worse than worthless. Yes, worse, since you'd end up wasting time converting other peoples flag sets to enumerates with explicit values when the requirements change and you need those generalisations.

Doesn't D allow you to write
or similar? When testing, use
  if ( FEATURE_SET==given_flags ) { /* all and only FEATURE_SET given */ }
  if ( FEATURE_SET<>given_flags ) { /* at least all FEATURE_SET given */ }

> Another common requirement is to pack a couple of flags into the most significant bits of an integer that doesn't need all its bits. This means having flag values that start high and count downward, and having a mask to extract the integer itself as well. For example, in a multiway tree data structure (such as a B+ tree database index) I might pack leaf-node and root-node flags into the high two bits of a node-size field.

This is contrary to the statement of yours, on modern multi-megabyte-machines the additional space of one byte would not be worth the effort. Anyway you can write something like:

  alias uint NodeData;

  flags NodeFlags
    ROOT        = 1 << (NodeData.sizeof*8 - 1),
    LEAF        = 1 << (NodeData.sizeof*8 - 2)
  static_assert( NodeFlags.sizeof == NodeData.sizeof, "size conflict" );
  static_assert( !(cast(NodeData)NodeFlags.all<<NodeFlags.count),
                 "unused MSBs" );

  struct Node
      NodeData     nodedata;   /* I really miss int(0..0x3FFFFFFF) */
      NodeFlags    nodeflags;
    } = { nodeintval : 0 };

    NodeFlags flags()
      { return cast(NodeFlags)(nodata & cast(NodeData) NodeFlags.all); }
    NodeData data()
      { return nodedata & ~(cast(NodeData) nodeflags.all); }

    NodeFlags flags( NodeFlags f )
      nodedata = data | cast(NodeData) f;
      return f;
    NodeData data( NodeData i )
      assert( (i<<NodeFlags.count)>>NodeFlags.count == i, "overflow" );
      nodedata = i | cast(NodeData) flags;
      return i;

/* The casts of flags to integral types are quite ugly. The language
 * should provide such casts via property, e.g. ".integral". This leaves
 * the implementation free to gamble with unused bits and mask them out
 * only when this property is used.

Alternatively, if you are the master of the data layout, you could keep the flags in the LSBs and shift the integral value.

> A simple one-bit-per-flag counting upwards from bit zero is, for me, a very rare exceptional case. The only cases where I remember it happening are in artificial teaching examples back in college. The nearest real-world programming match I have is a C++ set-of-unsigned-integers class that I use a lot which packs bitsets into an underlying vector of integers, but the flags are associated with integer values (normally some kind of UID), not identifier names.

My approach makes no assumption to which bits are used. A compiler writer
may even choose to use one byte per flag, as long as I get my type safety
and operations (although he should seriously think about changing his
field of activity *g*). In my business environment, flags are used very
heavily. So much that I even dare to suggest multiple inheritance for flags:

  flags Permissions
     NONE = Permissions.init
  flags FilePermissions : (Permission:Owner),
  { STICKY };

  with ( FilePermissions )
    file.setPermissions( Owner.ALL | Group.READ | Others.NONE | STICKY );

Even more valuable would be the construction from enums:

  enum Unknown { UNKNOWN };
  enum Genre : Unknown { CLASSIC, HEAVYMETAL, LULLABY };
  enum Format : Unknown { VORBIS, MP3, WAV };

  flags FGenre : Genre {};
  flags FFormat : Format {};
  flags FSearch : FGenre, FFormat {};

  void search( string name, FSearch f, ... );

  with( FSearch )
    search( "happy birthday", HEAVYMETAL | FFormat.UNKNOWN, ... );

(virtual inheritance is not needed, at least I can't imagine such a scenario)

> Also, packing bits into an integer tends to be slower than just using a boolean type, and since the saving in memory is usually small (saving a couple of bytes here and there is pointless on machines with megabytes, let alone gigabytes, of memory) there's no gain to pay for the extra complexity. You should only do it if you have a specific good reason.

That is simply not true. When you have to pass flags as parameters, it is faster to combine them in one integral value instead of pushing and popping multiple bytes on and from the stack. It is waste of memory and cache pollution to represent a logical bit by a physical byte.

But the main speedup comes when you want to compare more than one (logical related) conditions in one operation. It is easier and faster to compare against multiple flags if they are combined in one integral value than doing byte-wise comparisions. Even in some situations where integer operations on separated flags produce optimized code, the single-word variant doesn't drag behind:

  flags AnsiColor { RED, GREEN, BLUE, BLINK };

The comparing part of the function

  void draw( string text, bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool blink )
    if ( !blink && (red+green+blue)==1 ) { /* use only one plane */ }

may compile to:

    mov    eax, [esp+blink]   ; arguments are passed as 32bit
    sub    eax, 1
    jnc    label1
    mov    edx, [esp+blue]
    mov    eax, [esp+green]
    lea    edx, [eax+edx-1]
    add    edx, [esp+red]
    jnz    label1
    jmp    use_only_one_plane

while the alternative using flags

  void draw( string text, AnsiColor color )
  if (  !blink && (
                   || ) { /* draw only one plane */ }

may, if bit flags are used, compile to:

    mov    eax, [esp+color]
    test   eax, 0x08
    jnz    label1
    and    eax, 0x07
    mov    edx, eax
    shr    edx, 2
    and    eax, 0x03
    dec    edx
    shr    eax, 1
    adc    eax, edx
    jnz    label1
    jmp    use_only_one_plane

These instructions use the same number of registers, take approximately 2 non-parallel instruction more but save 3 dwords on the stack.
February 07, 2007
Sorry for the delay - I haven't been following the group for a while.

Your reply shifted my perspective on the problem a bit, but I still disagree with your proposed approach to flags.

I think basically that you are trying to do with this flags type something that should be done using structs with bitfields, or a similar type specification that allows each bit or group of bits to be accessed directly using a simple field name (without bitwise operators).

The point here is that, while the specification of the fields is more complex than a simple struct, there is a payoff for the investment. The compiler can check things automatically that your examples check explicity using asserts, and there is no need for all the bit-twiddling.

I don't actually know what D's support for bit-fields or packed records is like, but here is a bit of syntax-fantasy...

  bitfield NodeSpec : INT16
    at 0:14 unsigned Size;  //  half-open bit range
    at 14   bool     Is_Leaf;
    at 15   bool     Is_Branch;

    mask  All_Flags = Is_Leaf | Is_Branch;
      //  Each field defines an implicit mask as a property of the
      //  type, to allow bit-fiddling in any strange cases. The 'mask'
      //  clause allows a few special cases to be explicitly added.

  NodeSpec x;

  x.all = 0;
    //  Clear the whole bitfield at once.

  x.all &= ~NodeSpec.All_Flags;
    //  an operation that may be easier as bit-twiddling rather than
    //  adding explicit support, though having appropriate masks
    //  available as type properties seems is useful.

  x.Is_Branch = true;
    //  The easy way to access any individual flag.

The permissions example raises an important question - why are *you* defining those flags rather than using predefined library definitions. Nevertheless...

  bitfield Permissions : INT8
    lsb 1  bool READ, WRITE, EXECUTE;
      //  'lsb n' means 'use least significant n remaining bits'
      //  'msb n' and 'rest' clauses could also be used.

  bitfield FilePermissions : INT32
    //  Build a compound bitfield type

    //  Each field defaults to 'lsb' with the size being the
    //  size of the specified field type.

    //  This could have been a struct, but allowing bitfields
    //  to be composed from other bitfields may allow more
    //  useful mask properties to be defined.
    Permissions Owner;
    Permissions Group;
    Permissions Others;

Composition from enum types would be the same as composition from signed/unsigned. An advantage to this approach is that the compiler should be able to tell whether sufficient space is available in the bitfield.

  enum Format : { UNKNOWN, VORBIS, MP3, WAV };

  bitfield MusicInfo  //  default to int
    Genre  m_Genre  = UNKNOWN;
    Format m_Format = UNKNOWN;
      //  use default position and sizing, and specify default
      //  values

  search ("blah", MusicInfo (HEAVYMETAL, UNKNOWN));
  search ("blah", MusicInfo (m_Format=MP3));

The key point of all of this is simply that defining the bitfield type saves work when accessing the bitfield, primarily by avoiding the need for bit-twiddling. Adding properties to the type and values of that type, along with implicit definition of a constructor, are just obvious ways that a whole bunch of things normally done with bit-twiddling can still be supported in a convenient and safe way, and how bit-twiddling can still be supported as a last resort without needing any casting or unions or other changes to the code structure.

The key issue with this bitfield approach is that it is really just a tweak of what C structs with bitfields already do. Maybe what's really needed is better support for bitfields in structs.

Other than that...

On Mon, 05 Feb 2007 20:28:09 +0100, Rueschi <> wrote:

>Steve Horne schrieb:

>Doesn't D allow you to write
>or similar? When testing, use
>  if ( FEATURE_SET==given_flags ) { /* all and only FEATURE_SET given */ }
>  if ( FEATURE_SET<>given_flags ) { /* at least all FEATURE_SET given */ }

Maybe (not in D mode ATM) but I still don't see any real gain.

As soon as you need to define special masks outside the flags definition, you may as well have simply defined explicit enum values anyway. In fact, the enum would be clearer - all the values are defined in one place.

>> Another common requirement is to pack a couple of flags into the most significant bits of an integer that doesn't need all its bits.


>This is contrary to the statement of yours, on modern multi-megabyte-machines the additional space of one byte would not be worth the effort.

No - "common" is a relative term. Doing bit-twiddling is generally a bad idea, and you should only do it when you have a good reason. Within that set of occasions, cases such as the flags in the most significant bits and other special cases are very common whereas a simple set of flags counting up from bit zero is in my experience quite rare.

> Anyway you can write something like:

Unnecessarily complex. Explicit setting of mask values in an enum would be much simpler, and the compile-time checking is almost certainly unnecessary. If compile-time checking is needed, the way these checks are written is itself verbose and error-prone.

The compile-time-checking ideal would be a bitfield system similar to the one I describe above, where the compiler understands the specification of the bitfield as a whole and can report errors without the need for asserts.

>My approach makes no assumption to which bits are used. A compiler writer may even choose to use one byte per flag, as long as I get my type safety and operations

Type-safety isn't always the best way to avoid errors. Your approach doesn't make access to the flags any simpler, especially since you suggest using unions to overcome some of the limitations.

Don't get me wrong. Your own common usage examples seem nice and simple both for specification and access. But your approach to handling my tree node example shows that even slightly more complex requirements can cause problems.

Fields are accessed many times more often than they are defined, so if a flags/bitfield type is going to be considered, IMO your approach is a missed opportunity. Taking more time to specify the type is most beneficial if it results in assert-free compile-time error checks and accesses that are simpler as well as safer.

>> Also, packing bits into an integer tends to be slower than just using a boolean type, and since the saving in memory is usually small (saving a couple of bytes here and there is pointless on machines with megabytes, let alone gigabytes, of memory) there's no gain to pay for the extra complexity. You should only do it if you have a specific good reason.
>That is simply not true. When you have to pass flags as parameters, it is faster to combine them in one integral value instead of pushing and popping multiple bytes on and from the stack. It is waste of memory and cache pollution to represent a logical bit by a physical byte.

First, when putting the flags onto the stack, you first need to pack them together into a single integer. If this can be done at compile time, then you gain maybe a billionth of a second if you are very lucky.

Then, we come to accessing the parameters.

Checking several separate booleans is really no problem - they will still be in the processor cache from being pushed onto the stack, for a start, and remember that the processor is shifting data in chunks much larger than a few bytes anyway.

So any gains are not going to be huge.

On a non-intel architecture, the separate bools approach may have gained a bit by not needing masking instructions to check single flags, but this doesn't work so well on an intel chip - a mov instruction doesn't set processor flags, so some kind of flag-setting instruction will be needed in place of the masking.

So no huge gains, but it's all either good or, at least, no cost for the bitset approach, eh?

Well, no. The bitset approach can limit the opportunities for out-of-order execution (and maybe make branch prediction less reliable).


To write a single flag (and any number of flags other than all of them) requires a read-modify-write cycle. All the flags must be known before the and/or flag-setting instruction can be performed.

Reading a single flag also requires all flags to be known (so the
masking instruction can be done).

This doesn't apply when using individual booleans.

Also, considering the 'mov' thing, masking is more specific than testing for any non-zero value, so masking may still work out less efficient. This...

  mov eax, [esp+blah]
  and eax, eax
  jnz label1

... will run slightly faster than this...

  mov  eax,  [esp+blah]
  test eax, MASK
  jnz  label1

... simply because 'and eax, eax' is a shorter instruction, whereas the test instruction has a load of immediate data to worry about. Furthermore, IIRC, modern processors tend to combine certain pairs of instructions. A mov-then-test-for-nonzero is the kind of common pair of instructions I'd expect a processor to handle efficiently, effectively creating a single mov-with-flag-setting instruction.

mov-then-mask with every possibly mask accounted for? - doubt it.

So I stand by my original claim - dealing with packed bitfields tends to be slower than dealing with separate booleans. There can be performance benefits, but these tend to be at least matched by performance penalties.

It's a tendency rather than an absolute, and there's not a lot in it either way. I doubt that the difference would even register when profiling most real-world software. And even if using booleans was significantly faster, I wouldn't suggest switching just for performance reasons - but the fact is that separate booleans are easier to use, so it's the use of bitsets that needs to be justified.

>These instructions use the same number of registers, take approximately 2 non-parallel instruction more but save 3 dwords on the stack.

So your code DOES take more instructions. AND it is more complex (requiring three lines of condition-testing code rather than one). Even in an example that you selected yourself, the only advantage to counter two downsides is a few bytes less stack usage.

But you could have made a much stronger case, if only you'd noticed that in the bitset example, testing the blink flag is actually redundant - the RGB tests already cover it...

  if (   (  )
      || (
      || ( ) ) { /* blah */ }

That would have saved you three assembler instructions. Three instructions which look suspiciously as if they've been added by a human programmer, to otherwise compiler-generated code. Not to mention that your use of the blink flag was broken in the source (no mask, and used as if it were a separate parameter).

So let's take a critical at the assembler for the bitset variant...

Here's those three blink-testing instructions.

    mov    eax, [esp+color]
    test   eax, 0x08
    jnz    label1

Contrasted with the remainder - a rather sophisticated calculation to determine if precisely one of the interesting three bits is set. This code is nothing like the source code, and not what the average human programmer would write - it suggests a pretty intelligent optimisation.

    and    eax, 0x07
    mov    edx, eax
    shr    edx, 2
    and    eax, 0x03
    dec    edx
    shr    eax, 1
    adc    eax, edx
    jnz    label1
    jmp    use_only_one_plane

Unfortunately, it is an intelligent optimisation of different source code - similar to, but different from, that you gave.

Look at the 'and eax, 0x07' masking at the top of that...

  1.  We already know that the blink flag is clear, so no need to
      mask it out.

  2.  The value checks in the source are whole-value comparisons, not
      restricted to only checking the first three bits, so the
      assembler doesn't match the source - it will miss cases where
      other bits are set that shouldn't be, and act differently to
      what the source code describes.

My suspicion - you have derived this example from real code, but have modified it - and messed it up a bit. Your original source code (ignoring the blink or other flags) probably looked something like this...

  if (   (color&MASK ==  )
      || (color&MASK ==
      || (color&MASK == ) ) { /* blah */ }

As a result, you are arguing that twelve assembler instructions are at least as fast as nine, where (if you'd got it right) you could have been arguing that nine instructions are at least as fast as nine. I know which one I'd prefer to be arguing ;-)

So with a bit of work, your bitset version can be made to appear a lot more compelling. Even so, IMO you're still wrong.

Four flags as independent flag parameters is unusual. Even implemented as booleans, the red, green and blue flags at least would be packed into an AnsiColor struct (the 'blink' parameter looks like a misfit in that collection).

Specify byte alignment for that struct, and suddenly the whole package is one DWORD. Both versions use the same amount of stack - one or two DWORDs depending on whether the blink flag is included along with the RGB flags or not. When multiple flags are tested at once, that will be optimised for both cases. But with the separate booleans (in a byte-aligned struct) version, single flags can still be tested individually without masking, and modified individually without needing a read-modify-write cycle.

BTW - interesting question - Why didn't the compiler generate something equivalent to...

  static byte Lookup [8] = { false, true,  true,  false,
                             true,  false, false, false };

  if (Lookup [color & MASK])
    /*  blah  */

I assume your example assembler is a symptom of supercompilation - someone has done an exhaustive search to find the best possible assembler for some common source code fragments, and built the results into the compilers back end. But the lookup table approach looks at least as efficient to me.

That should give something like...

  mov  eax, [esp+color]
  and  eax, 0x07
  mov  eax, [Lookup+eax]
  and  eax, eax
  jz   label1

This ignores the blink flag again - it's easily handled by either doubling the lookup table size, or by adding those three instructions again.

Since the lookup table can be embedded in the code (as switch lookup tables usually are), it may even be addressed relative to the instruction pointer, saving a few bytes more.

Presumably I'm missing something. No surprise there - my assembler is extremely rusty.

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