Thread overview
Aug 24, 2013
Jason den Dulk
Aug 27, 2013
Ali Çehreli
Aug 27, 2013
Jason den Dulk
Aug 27, 2013
Ali Çehreli
Aug 28, 2013
Jason den Dulk
August 24, 2013

Straight off, I should ask if Variant[Variant] is a feasable idea. I am writing a serialization module which is trying to make use of this.

This is the function

  Variant unserialize(V:Variant)(ref const(char)[] str)
    switch (str[0])
      case 'b':
        return Variant(unserialize!(bool)(str));
      case 'i':
        return Variant(unserialize!(long)(str));
      case 'f':
        return Variant(unserialize!(double)(str));
      case 's':
        return Variant(unserialize!(string)(str));
      case 'a':
        auto len = checkLengthTypeStart(str, 'a');

        Variant[] va;
        foreach (i; 0..len)
          va ~= unserialize!(Variant)(str);
        return Variant(va);
      case 'o':
        auto leno = checkLengthTypeStart(str, 'o');

        Variant[Variant] vaa;
        foreach (j; 0..leno)
          auto v = unserialize!(Variant)(str);
          vaa[v] = unserialize!(Variant)(str);
        return Variant(vaa);
        throw new Exception(format("Unknown serialize type '%c'",str[0]));

It seems to happily unserialize what I give into a Variant[Variant], but I can't get access to it. Here is the unittest code.

  const(char)[] tcd_ss = "a2o3s1:ai1s1:bi2s1:ci3o3s1:di4s1:ei5s1:fi6";
  auto tcd_v = unserialize!(Variant)(tcd_ss);
  assert(tcd_v.type() == typeid(Variant[]));
  assert(tcd_v.length == 2);
  auto tcd1_v = tcd_v[0];
  assert(tcd1_v.length == 3);
  assert(tcd1_v.type() == typeid(Variant[Variant]));
  auto va = Variant("a");
  auto tcd1a_v = tcd1_v[va];  // <======= Blows up here.

By my reckoning, the key Variant("a") exists in tcd1_v. If not, shouldn't it give a "Range Violation" error? Instead it gives:

std.variant.VariantException@std/variant.d(1231): Variant: attempting to use incompatible types immutable(char)[] and std.variant.VariantN!(24u).VariantN
./serialize(@trusted int std.variant.VariantN!(24u).VariantN.handler!(std.variant.VariantN!(24u).VariantN[std.variant.VariantN!(24u).VariantN]).handler(std.variant.VariantN!(24u).VariantN.OpID, ubyte[24]*, void*)+0x286) [0x811cd2a]
./serialize(@trusted std.variant.VariantN!(24u).VariantN std.variant.VariantN!(24u).VariantN.opIndex!(std.variant.VariantN!(24u).VariantN).opIndex(std.variant.VariantN!(24u).VariantN)+0x68) [0x811e654]
./serialize(void serialize.__unittestL257_1()+0x1839) [0x80d296d]
./serialize(void serialize.__modtest()+0x8) [0x8120b84]
./serialize(extern (C) bool core.runtime.runModuleUnitTests().int __foreachbody352(ref object.ModuleInfo*)+0x24) [0x812faac]
./serialize(int rt.minfo.moduleinfos_apply(scope int delegate(ref object.ModuleInfo*)).int __foreachbody541(ref rt.sections_linux.DSO)+0x37) [0x8128057]
./serialize(int rt.sections_linux.DSO.opApply(scope int delegate(ref rt.sections_linux.DSO))+0x2c) [0x81282ac]
./serialize(int rt.minfo.moduleinfos_apply(scope int delegate(ref object.ModuleInfo*))+0x14) [0x8128004]
./serialize(runModuleUnitTests+0x87) [0x812f9b7]
./serialize(extern (C) int rt.dmain2._d_run_main(int, char**, extern (C) int function(char[][])*).void runAll()+0x25) [0x81258e5]
./serialize(extern (C) int rt.dmain2._d_run_main(int, char**, extern (C) int function(char[][])*).void tryExec(scope void delegate())+0x18) [0x8125550]
./serialize(_d_run_main+0x121) [0x8125521]
./serialize(main+0x14) [0x81253f4]
/lib/ [0x429a5413]

So I ask again, is Variant[Variant] too ambitious? If not ... help!

Thanks in advance

P.S. The full code can be found at if that helps.
August 27, 2013
On 08/24/2013 04:12 AM, Jason den Dulk wrote:
> Hi
> Straight off, I should ask if Variant[Variant] is a feasable idea.

It looks like it:

import std.variant;

void main()
    Variant[Variant] aa;
    aa[Variant(42)] = Variant("forty two");

    assert(Variant(42) in aa);
    assert(aa == [ Variant(42) : Variant("forty two") ]);

> This is the function

I spent 15 minutes trying to complete the code but failed. Could you please provide a minimal program that almost compiles.


August 27, 2013
Hi Ali, thanks for helping me out.

On Tuesday, 27 August 2013 at 01:38:54 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> I spent 15 minutes trying to complete the code but failed. Could you please provide a minimal program that almost compiles.

I uploaded a new version with a main routine. So you know, I am using DMD 2.063.2 on Fedora 15.

The code should compile with "dmd serialize.d".

I since realized that I was not dealing with a Variant[Variant] but a Variant(Variant[Variant]). It didn't seem to like having "[Variant]" called upon it.

After extracting it to a V[V] (called tcd1_vn), I noticed something else.

Doing a foreach on it,

  foreach (_a_, _b_;tcd1_vn)

gives this:


So it appears that Variant("a") is a key, but

  assert(Variant("a") in tcd1_vn);

fails. Any ideas?

Thanks again for helping. I have been reading your online book. I have found it quite helpful.

August 27, 2013
On 08/27/2013 03:53 AM, Jason den Dulk wrote:

> I uploaded a new version with a main routine. So you know, I am using
> DMD 2.063.2 on Fedora 15.
> The code should compile with "dmd serialize.d".

And it's here:

> I since realized that I was not dealing with a Variant[Variant] but a
> Variant(Variant[Variant]). It didn't seem to like having "[Variant]"
> called upon it.
> After extracting it to a V[V] (called tcd1_vn), I noticed something else.
> Doing a foreach on it,
>    foreach (_a_, _b_;tcd1_vn)
>    {
>      writeln(_a_.type(),",",_b_.type());
>      writeln(_a_.get!(string),",",_b_.get!(long));
>    }
> gives this:
>    immutable(char)[],long
>    a,1
>    immutable(char)[],long
>    b,2
>    immutable(char)[],long
>    c,3
> So it appears that Variant("a") is a key, but
>    assert(Variant("a") in tcd1_vn);
> fails. Any ideas?

It is definitely a bug. I spent a lot of time on this and figured it out just before giving up. :) (Actually I figured it out *after* giving up. :p)

The signature of VariantN.toHash() does not match D's expectation so it is not considered at all. As a result, the default toHash for structs gets called, which happens to hash by the members of the struct. The problem is, being a variant type, the members of VariantN are a function pointer and the storage:

struct VariantN(size_t maxDataSize, AllowedTypesX...)
// ...
    ptrdiff_t function(OpID selector, ubyte[size]* store, void* data) fptr
        = &handler!(void);
        ubyte[size] store;
        // conservatively mark the region as pointers
        static if (size >= (void*).sizeof)
            void* p[size / (void*).sizeof];
// ...

Since 'store' is just a ubyte[] array, the default toHash for structs cannot hash it as strings.

VariantN.toHash's signature must be changed accordingly and Phobos must be recompiled:

    // WARNING: Unnecessarily slow because type.getHash() is not nothrow.
    size_t toHash() const nothrow @safe
        try {
            return type.getHash(&store);

        } catch (Exception) {
            return 0;

The original toHash was this:

    size_t toHash()
        return type.getHash(&store);

The other issue is, the compiler did not warn me until I added a const to the signature. Try to compile this:

    size_t toHash() const
        return type.getHash(&store);

./phobos/std/variant.d(822): Warning: toHash() must be declared as extern (D) size_t toHash() const nothrow @safe, not const @trusted ulong()

The same warning should be given to the naked signature 'size_t toHash()' as well. (I remember bearophile warning about such problems.)

So, VariantN is broken. It cannot be used as an AA key correctly, at least when it stores a string. To make matters worse, testing with Variants that are initialized by literal strings works because the compiler optimizes the same literal strings.

> Thanks again for helping. I have been reading your online book. I have
> found it quite helpful.

You are very kind. :) However, as this issue proves, the book is outdated in some parts. At least there is a note for me to update the toHash signatures in the book: :)

So, I will get to this issue eventually. :-/

May I ask you or somebody else to create a bug about VariantN.toHash not being considered at all. Thank you! :)


August 28, 2013
On Tuesday, 27 August 2013 at 18:32:46 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

> May I ask you or somebody else to create a bug about VariantN.toHash not being considered at all. Thank you! :)

I have filed a bug report for this, and I have placed a work around in my code, so that's it for now, I suppose. Thanks again.