April 25, 2004
class A {
  B b;
  this() { printf("A"); b = new B(); }
  ~this() { printf("a"); }
class B {
  this() { printf("B"); }
  ~this() { printf("b"); }
  void foo() {};
void main() {
  A a = new A();
outputs: ABba
A keeps reference for B, then why B dtor is called first? And any access to
B members in A dtor (for example foo() } causes access violation.

class A {
  this() { printf("A"); B.b = new B(); }
  ~this() { printf("a"); B.b = null; }
class B {
  static B b;
  this() { printf("B"); }
  ~this() { printf("b"); }
void main() {
  A a = new A();
//  B.b = null;
outputs: ABa
So B dtor is never called, although I set B.b to null in A dtor.
But if uncomment last line, B dtor is called.

Any ideas? Is it bugs?