March 05, 2005
Craig Black wrote:
>>I just realized one situation where there might be a little trouble with it, and that's if you want to put brackets inside the plugin area.
> Within the { ... } the code would have to follow some simple rules, for example following the C rules for {} [] () "" ''
> Thus you could have brackets inside the plugin code are as long as you follow those rules.
> -Craig 

Sounds reasonable.


"C++ also supports the notion of *friends*: cooperative classes that
are permitted to see each other's private parts." - Grady Booch
March 05, 2005
As the subject changed, (yacc -> plugin) I suggest everybody now to post
in the new thread called: "plugin(name) {}"
(don't make any difference for the ones using the web interface though)

Thank you very much.


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