July 31, 2013
Ali Çehreli:

> Fixed magically :) by a line that should have no effect:
>     pragma(msg, ElementType!(typeof(arr.tupleChunks!4)));
> Of course one must also import ElementType:
> import std.range: chunks, Chunks, iota, ElementType;

How nice. Have we just won another bug report?
It is worth fixing a small feature that probably should be removed from the language and that I think is not present in D documentation?

July 31, 2013
On 7/31/13, bearophile <bearophileHUGS@lycos.com> wrote:
> How nice. Have we just won another bug report?

It's not the only one either, my opApply version works ok alone, but when put into another module with package imports it fails to compile, which is yet another new regression.. It's frustrating having to hit so many regressions lately.
July 31, 2013
On 7/31/13, Andrej Mitrovic <andrej.mitrovich@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7/31/13, bearophile <bearophileHUGS@lycos.com> wrote:
>> How nice. Have we just won another bug report?
> It's not the only one either, my opApply version works ok alone, but when put into another module with package imports it fails to compile, which is yet another new regression.. It's frustrating having to hit so many regressions lately.

Btw my version with opApply: codepad.org/yojenuZl

Pasted here for convenience:

module test;

import std.array;
import std.range;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;

/** Implements chunks iteration through an input range. */
struct Pack(Range, size_t count)
    if (isInputRange!Range)
    this(Range range)
        this.range = range;

    alias Item = ElementType!Range;

    mixin genPackOpApply!count;

    Range range;

    Return a struct instance that wraps an
    input range and provides iteration through
    $(D count) chunks at a time.
auto pack(size_t count, Range)(Range range)
    if (isInputRange!Range)
    return Pack!(Range, count)(range);

    int[] arr = [
         0, 1, 2, 3,
         4, 5, 6, 7

    size_t index;
    foreach (x, y, z, w; arr.pack!4)
        if (index++ == 0)
            assert(x == 0);
            assert(x == 4);

    foreach (idx, x, y, z, w; arr.pack!4)
        if (idx == 0)
            assert(x == 0);
            assert(x == 4);

    foreach (idx, ref x, y, z, w; arr.pack!4)
        if (idx == 0)
            x = 1;

    assert(arr[0] == 1 && arr[4] == 4);

private mixin template genPackOpApply(size_t count)

private string genPackOpApplyImpl(size_t count)
    string[] items;
    foreach (i; 0 .. count)
        items ~= "items[%s]".format(i);

    string opApply1 = q{
        /// foreach without index
        int opApply(int delegate(%s) dg)
            int result = 0;

            foreach (items; std.range.chunks(range, %s))
                result = dg(%s);
                if (result)

            return result;
    }.format(std.array.replicate(["ref Item"], count).join(", "),
count, items.join(", "));

    string opApply2 = q{
        /// foreach with index
        int opApply(int delegate(size_t index, %s) dg)
            int result = 0;

            size_t index;
            foreach (items; std.range.chunks(range, %s))
                result = dg(index++, %s);
                if (result)

            return result;
    }.format(std.array.replicate(["ref Item"], count).join(", "),
count, items.join(", "));

    return format("%s\n%s", opApply1, opApply2);

void main()
July 31, 2013
On 7/31/13, Andrej Mitrovic <andrej.mitrovich@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's not the only one either, my opApply version works ok alone, but when put into another module with package imports it fails to compile, which is yet another new regression.. It's frustrating having to hit so many regressions lately.

Meanwhile I've reduced it and filed it: http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10736
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