February 23, 2015
On Sunday, 22 February 2015 at 03:35:28 UTC, ketmar wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Feb 2015 21:19:32 +0000, bitwise wrote:
>> Input on this would be appreciated.
> it seems to me that you can "abuse" delegates for this (i mean the
> underlying "fat pointer"). resumable function can create closure (i think
> all the code for this is already here), "resume address" pointer (this
> can be added to closure), pointer to "real" delegate, hidden "yield
> point" address, and return a delegate which does something like this on
> call:
> * executes "real" delegate from "resume address".
> * "real" delegate yields by doing indirect call to "resume address"
> * assembler code at "resume address" stores new resume address (it's on
> stack now)
> * and returns from "wrapping delegate"
> so from the point of programmer this will look as an ordinary delegate,
> even with the same type, and it will be usable anywhere where ordinary
> delegate is usable.

I'm glad you mentioned "resume address". I guess I don't need a jump table since the function is not switching on a user variable ;)

I don't like the idea of having a resumable function look like a regular delegate. There would be no clean way to check when the resumable function had finished. I've only skimmed the C++ proposal for resumable lambdas below, but it seems like their solution is to introduce a 'stop_iteration' exception which gets thrown when you try to call a resumable lambda that has run to completion. So basically, all uses of delegates would have to be wrapped in try/catch blocks..


The newest visual studio preview version has "generators". This is an example from the visual studio blog:

generator<int> fib()  {
    int a = 0;
    int b = 1;
    for (;;) {
        __yield_value a;
        auto next = a + b;
        a = b;
        b = next;

So I'm assuming the above function would return something like this:

template<class T>
struct generator
    T value;
    iterator begin() { /* executes function, stores value, and returns iterator to first yield */ }
    iterator end() { ... }
    void operator++() { /* execute function to next yield and store value */ }
    T& operator*() { return value; }

I am considering something similar.
Please excuse my incoherent pseudocode :)

interface IResumableClosure {
	// address of resumable function
	// stack vars
	// methods for initializing a new MethodRange(T)

struct Generator(T)
	IResumableClosure closure;
	Generator(IResumableClosure closure) {
		this.closure = closure;
	int opApply(int delegate(ref T) dg) {
		foreach(value; MethodRange!T(closure))
			if(dg(value)) return 1;
		return 0;
	MethodRange!T getRange() {
		return MethodRange!T(closure);

struct MethodRange(T)
	IResumableClosure closure;
	// contains stack vars, resume address
	// last returned value, and 'finished' flag
	void *context;
	MethodRange(IResumableClosure closure) {
		this.closure = closure;
		this.context = closure.createContext();
			this.value = invoke(context);
	private T invoke(void* context) {
		// run function until yield, store return address in context
	T front() { return value; }
	void popFront() { value = invoke(context); }
	bool empty() { return context.finished; }

Generator!int myResumableFunction()
	for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
		yield i;
	return;       // exits the resumable function
	// return 1;  // illegal inside resumable function, use yield

for(number; myResumableFunction())

// or

auto gen = myResumableFunction();
auto metRang = gen.getRange(); // runs to first yield

while(!metRang.empty()) {

// or the caller could optionally return a MethodRange(T) directly if they were
// ok with the function being invoked immediately.

MethodRange!int myResumableFunction() {
    yield 1;

auto metRang = myResumableFunction(); // runs to first yield

while(!metRang.empty()) {

So like you said, I could wrap the resumable function in some kind of specialized closure, but I could use that to optionally initialize a MethodRange(T) or a Generator(T).

February 23, 2015
On Mon, 23 Feb 2015 00:48:42 +0000, bitwise wrote:

> I don't like the idea of having a resumable function look like a regular delegate. There would be no clean way to check when the resumable function had finished.

you don't need to. if you really need to do that, you're doing something wrong trying to recreate ranges and exposing their internal design to the user. this resumable function *is* delegate. nobody cares about it's internals.

> I've only skimmed the C++ proposal for resumable
> lambdas below, but it seems like their solution is to introduce a
> 'stop_iteration' exception which gets thrown when you try to call a
> resumable lambda that has run to completion. So basically, all uses of
> delegates would have to be wrapped in try/catch blocks..

resumable functions are not iterators. it's a slightly perversed flow control method. iteration/generation is one of the use cases.

and, by the way, yielding is a two-way communication channel.

you seem to stuck with iteration/generation idea, but this is not the way resumable functions should be seen. resumable functions are basics of cooperative multitasking, and iteration/generation is just a special case of coop mt.

mimicking delegates allows to use resumable function in any code that expects delegate. and defining interfaces (yeilding is two-way comm channel!) will allow to build generator abstraction a-la range (or even mimicking any necessary range).

February 23, 2015
> you don't need to. if you really need to do that, you're doing something

This makes no sense to me. A usage example may be helpful.

> resumable functions are not iterators. it's a slightly perversed flow
> control method. iteration/generation is one of the use cases.

So how do you explain enumerators in C#, or generators in visual c++?

> and, by the way, yielding is a two-way communication channel.


    Asymmetric coroutine
    Symmetric coroutine

> you seem to stuck with iteration/generation idea, but this is not the way resumable functions should be seen.

Not sure what to say to this..

> mimicking delegates allows to use resumable function in any code that expects delegate.

If you can come up with even one example(with code) where it would make
sense to accept both coroutines and delegates, I will be very surprised.

In any case, I have revised my design. Generator(T) was redundant, so I removed it. Below is something that I think is well formed enough for me to start digging through the compiler for specifics.

interface MethodRange(T)
	@property T front();
	void popFront();
	@property bool empty();
	int opApply(int delegate(T) dg);

class __ResumeableMethod(T, METHOD_TYPE, CONTEXT_TYPE) : MethodRange!T
	// method locals and passed args
	CONTEXT_TYPE* context;

	// -initially contains method entry point
	// -once executed, contains the resume address
	// -when finished, contains null
	void *fptr;
	// object reference for instance methods
	void *obj;

	T value;

	this(CONTEXT_TYPE* context, void *fptr, void *obj) {
		this.context = context;
		this.fptr = fptr;
		this.obj = obj;
		invoke(context, &value);

	private T invoke(CONTEXT_TYPE *context, T *yielded_value) {
		fptr = context->return_address;

			*yielded_value = context->yielded_value;

	@property override T front() {
		return value;

	override void popFront() {
		invoke(context, &value);
	@property override bool empty() {
		return fptr == null;
	int opApply(int delegate(T) dg)
				return 1;
		return 0;

MethodRange!int myResumableMethod()
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    	yield i;

// the compiler would automatically transform the above
// method into something like the one below

MethodRange!int myResumableMethod()
	void __method(__ContextFor__method *ctx)
		for(ctx->i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
			ctx->yielded_value = i;
			ctx->return_address = &return_pos;
		ctx->return_address = null;

	return new __ResumeableMethod!int(new __ContextFor__method, &__method, null);

// usage

void main()
	foreach(num; myResumableMethod())

// or

	MethodRange!int[] methods;

	auto mr = myResumableMethod();

		methods ~= mr;

	for(int i = 0; i < methods.length; )
		auto mr = methods[i];

		int status = mr.front;
		// handle item status..

February 24, 2015
On Mon, 23 Feb 2015 23:10:28 +0000, bitwise wrote:

>> you don't need to. if you really need to do that, you're doing something
> This makes no sense to me. A usage example may be helpful.

you still thinking in terms of generators. generator is a high-level construct, resumable routine is a low-level construct. latter is used to build the former.

>> resumable functions are not iterators. it's a slightly perversed flow control method. iteration/generation is one of the use cases.
> So how do you explain enumerators in C#, or generators in visual c++?

as one of the possible high-level constructs that can be built with resumable routines.

> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/libs/coroutine/doc/html/index.html
> [quote]
> Coroutine
>      Asymmetric coroutine Symmetric coroutine
> [/quote]

i don't even want to know what boost does. it stinks anyway.

>> mimicking delegates allows to use resumable function in any code that expects delegate.
> If you can come up with even one example(with code) where it would make sense to accept both coroutines and delegates, I will be very surprised.

anywhere. any code. any delegate usage. it's a simple idiom of "switching control", where "function that calling delegate" can be seen as "delegate that calling the function". heh. anytime you need to switch the controlling side without rewriting the code. if you can't think out the use case for this, you still looking at resumable routines from the wrong POV.

> In any case, I have revised my design. Generator(T) was redundant, so I removed it. Below is something that I think is well formed enough for me to start digging through the compiler for specifics.

it's like building the brick house without having the bricks. you trying to build the house when you have to make bricks. sure, you can do that... and than cursing while smashing it into bricks when you need to build the fence. or building fences from houses.

what you *really* trying to do is to build specific actor instead of building the foundation for programming with actors. building the foundation for actor model is way better and will allow you to build your generators easily.

February 24, 2015
On Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 00:48:34 UTC, ketmar wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Feb 2015 23:10:28 +0000, bitwise wrote:

> you still thinking in terms of generators. Generator is a high-level construct, resumable routine is a low-level construct. latter is used to build the former.

I think you're getting confused between "stackless" and "stackful" resumable functions.
If I wanted stackful resumable functions, I would just use D's Fiber. If I wanted something lower level, I would simply make a D wrapper for boost::fcontext.


#define RF "resumable function"  //  :)

But, I am not talking about stackful RF. The control flow you're describing is that of a stackful RF. With stackless RFs, you can't just randomly switch control flow between coroutines, nor can you yield from nested stack frames. A stackless RF runs on the same stack as everything else. Only the local variables and RF's arguments are allocated on the heap.

That said, I can't think of a lower level abstraction than what I have provided that would actually be useful...

> i don't even want to know what boost does. it stinks anyway.

Maybe this is why you don't get what I'm saying ;)

> anywhere. any code. any delegate usage. it's a simple idiom of "switching control", where "function that calling delegate" can be seen as "delegate that calling the function".

Again, I'm pretty sure you're thinking of stackful RFs.

> it's like building the brick house without having the bricks.

Don't be silly, we're clearly building a bike shed here.
February 24, 2015
On Tue, 24 Feb 2015 03:22:10 +0000, bitwise wrote:

> I think you're getting confused between "stackless" and "stackful" resumable functions.

ahem. seems that you are right, and i outsmarted myself yet again. seems that my head is too small to keep three different task unmessed (forum discussion, plus two of my projects).


February 24, 2015
> ahem. seems that you are right, and i outsmarted myself yet again. seems
> that my head is too small to keep three different task unmessed (forum
> discussion, plus two of my projects).
> sorry.

If it's any consolation, I did accidentally use a C++ constructor in my first example..
I better sleep with one eye opened tonight ;)

February 24, 2015

You know you may be kinda right about reusability though...

I am not as familiar with "await" as I am with coroutines, but I think the principal is similar. The Visual Studio team seems to have chosen to tackle stackless resumable routines and await at the same time, so there may be some reusability there. I couldn't say for sure though.

In any case, I don't think it would be hard to refactor my suggested implementation under the covers to facilitate something like await without hurting the user-facing functionality.
February 24, 2015
On Tue, 24 Feb 2015 15:53:53 +0000, bitwise wrote:

> In any case, I don't think it would be hard to refactor my suggested implementation under the covers to facilitate something like await without hurting the user-facing functionality.

sure, if you will get something working, it will be easier to chop it to pieces if necessary. or one can simply emulate one thing with another thing as a quickhack.

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