February 04, 2014
On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 16:13:33 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
> On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 16:02:33 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
>> However if I run /sbin/ifconfig I get:
>> enp7s0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 50:E5:49:9B:29:49
>>          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>>          inet6 addr: fe80::52e5:49ff:fe9b:2949/64 Scope:Link
>> lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
>>          inet addr:  Mask:
>>          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
>> This computer is on a network with dynamically assigned IP address (DHCP).
>> So shouldn't the address have been reported?
> It results in all addresses you hostname resolvs to. On all desktop linux machines /etc/hosts is configured to resolve hostname to "localhost" by default. On servers it usually resolves to externally accessible one.

February 04, 2014
On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 16:13:33 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
> It results in all addresses you hostname resolvs to. On all desktop linux machines /etc/hosts is configured to resolve hostname to "localhost" by default. On servers it usually resolves to externally accessible one.

Update: I have just checked and this is actually distro-specific right now. My Arch box does not have that /etc/hosts entry and resolves host name to whatever first configured network interface has. Ubuntu does have explicit host name entry in /etc/hosts which resolves to localhost.
February 04, 2014
On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 16:02:33 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

> This computer is on a network with dynamically assigned IP address (DHCP).
> So shouldn't the address have been reported?

Nope. In out-of-the-box simple network setups (i.e. home network in the form PC/laptop -> router -> internet) the address resolution won't go further than your hosts file, which in turn will always give you back the loopback address (more specifically, the address that is specified for the hostname in aforementioned file).

That's why both I and Dicebot mentioned there isn't any real way to query your local addresses without any live connection: only when a socket has a connection within a particular network can you tell your own IP address in that network. The address itself would depend on the network setup, your local routing configuration, etc. Your machine can have several network adaptors (ethernet boards, Wi-Fi, etc.), each configured with (numerous) routing setups, plus the routers they're connected to have their own routing setups... This can go on and on.
February 04, 2014
On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 13:24:59 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
> On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 13:21:54 UTC, Stanislav Blinov wrote:
>Worth noting that this solution is not reliable in general either because your server can possibly have complicated routing configurations that will make, for example, LAN destination packets go via different network interface than WAN destination ones.
> It is probably better to tell what high-level problem you are trying to solve to find most useful compromise.

I'm setting up a simple local network enabling me to connect phones to the computer through the local wi-fi. The simplest way i could think of to make this work without relying on an external server was to simply broadcast the ip and port to all machines in the network.(Btw by server i mean my / my project groups windows boxes).

So well the problem is that i need a way for the phones to find running servers on the LAN.
February 04, 2014
Am Tue, 04 Feb 2014 16:19:08 +0000
schrieb "Stanislav Blinov" <stanislav.blinov@gmail.com>:

> On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 16:02:33 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
> > This computer is on a network with dynamically assigned IP
> > address (DHCP).
> > So shouldn't the address have been reported?
> Nope. In out-of-the-box simple network setups (i.e. home network in the form PC/laptop -> router -> internet) the address resolution won't go further than your hosts file, which in turn will always give you back the loopback address (more specifically, the address that is specified for the hostname in aforementioned file).
> That's why both I and Dicebot mentioned there isn't any real way to query your local addresses without any live connection: only when a socket has a connection within a particular network can you tell your own IP address in that network. The address itself would depend on the network setup, your local routing configuration, etc. Your machine can have several network adaptors (ethernet boards, Wi-Fi, etc.), each configured with (numerous) routing setups, plus the routers they're connected to have their own routing setups... This can go on and on.

As a last resort there are always OS specific APIs to iterate network interfaces. For example, for linux: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/getifaddrs.3.html

(Of course this doesn't tell you at all whether a local IP-address is
actually routable. And you probably have to figure out if you got
a link local / ULA IPv6 or a global one)
February 04, 2014
On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 20:19:14 UTC, TheFlyingFiddle wrote:
> I'm setting up a simple local network enabling me to connect phones to the computer through the local wi-fi. The simplest way i could think of to make this work without relying on an external server was to simply broadcast the ip and port to all machines in the network.(Btw by server i mean my / my project groups windows boxes).
> So well the problem is that i need a way for the phones to find running servers on the LAN.

I think it is close to impossible to do in portable way. Most reliable approach is to get list of all configured network interfaces via posix functions (or via `system` call as least resort), filter out "lo" and broadcast message for every such interface. I think you can also filter only wireless interfaces that way relatively easily too.
February 22, 2023

On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 22:31:53 UTC, Dicebot wrote:


On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 20:19:14 UTC, TheFlyingFiddle wrote:


I'm setting up a simple local network enabling me to connect phones to the computer through the local wi-fi. The simplest way i could think of to make this work without relying on an external server was to simply broadcast the ip and port to all machines in the network.(Btw by server i mean my / my project groups windows boxes).

So well the problem is that i need a way for the phones to find running servers on the LAN.

I think it is close to impossible to do in portable way. Most reliable approach is to get list of all configured network interfaces via posix functions (or via system call as least resort), filter out "lo" and broadcast message for every such interface. I think you can also filter only wireless interfaces that way relatively easily too.

Apologies that I am bumping a post that is 9 years old, but I recently had to do this and thought this may help beginners. In a way it's a hack as suggested from the second post, that you can connect to a known ip address (e.g. google) from a socket and then see the endpoints with the local and remote addresses.

import std.stdio;
import std.socket;

    void GetIP(){
        // A bit of a hack, but we'll create a connection from google to
        // our current ip.
        // Use a well known port (i.e. google) to do this
        auto r = getAddress("",53); // NOTE: This is effetively getAddressInfo
        // Create a socket
        auto sockfd = new Socket(AddressFamily.INET,  SocketType.STREAM);
        // Connect to the google server
        import std.conv;
        const char[] address = r[0].toAddrString().dup;
        ushort port = to!ushort(r[0].toPortString());
        sockfd.connect(new InternetAddress(address,port));
        // Obtain local sockets name and address
        writeln("Our ip address    : ",sockfd.localAddress);
        writeln("the remote address: ",sockfd.remoteAddress);

        // Close our socket

February 18

On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 13:02:26 UTC, TheFlyingFiddle wrote:


I'm trying to find my own ip address using std.socket with little success. How would i go about doing this? (It should be a AddressFamily.INET socket)

Sadly, the standard library doesn't seem to offer network interface enumeration.

However, if you don't mind delving into platform-specific C APIs that are exposed by Phobos but not mentioned in the docs (issue 5872), it can be done. The code I found here was enough to get me started:


The key to a linux implementation was getifaddrs(), which can be found in core.sys.linux.ifaddrs.

February 18

On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 13:02:26 UTC, TheFlyingFiddle wrote:


I'm trying to find my own ip address using std.socket with little success. How would i go about doing this? (It should be a AddressFamily.INET socket)

On Windows, you can use the Win32GetAdaptersInfo[1] function to get a list of IPv4 adapters and addresses. If you need IPv6 addresses or other more modern features, there is the GetAdaptersAddresses[2] function, however it doesn't seem the necessary Windows headers (IPTypes.h / ifdef.h) have been ported to D for this yet.

[1] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/iphlpapi/nf-iphlpapi-getadaptersinfo
[2] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/iphlpapi/nf-iphlpapi-getadaptersaddresses

As I attempt to post this, I now see this thread is... 10 years old. Oh well, still relevant I think.

import std.string;
pragma(lib, `mingw/iphlpapi.lib`); // included with dmd

struct Adapter {
	string name;
	string desc;
	struct IPMask {
		string ip;
		string mask;
	IPMask[] addresses;

Adapter[] getAdapters() {
	import core.sys.windows.windows;
	//import core.sys.windows.nspapi;
	import core.sys.windows.iptypes;
	import core.sys.windows.iphlpapi;

	void[] buf;
	uint size = 0;
	auto ret = GetAdaptersInfo(null, &size);
	assert(ret == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW && size > 0, "Expected GetAdaptersInfo to return ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW to query size of buffer");
	buf.length = size;
	ret = GetAdaptersInfo(cast(IP_ADAPTER_INFO*) buf.ptr, &size);
	assert(!ret, "GetAdaptersInfo error");

	auto adpt = cast(IP_ADAPTER_INFO*) buf.ptr;

	Adapter[] adapters;

	while (adpt) {
		scope(success) adpt = adpt.Next;

		Adapter adapter;
		adapter.name = adpt.AdapterName.fromStringz.idup;
		adapter.desc = adpt.Description.fromStringz.idup;

		IP_ADDR_STRING addr = adpt.IpAddressList;
		auto paddr = &addr;
		while (paddr) {
			scope(success) paddr = addr.Next;
			adapter.addresses ~= Adapter.IPMask(paddr.IpAddress.String.fromStringz.idup, paddr.IpMask.String.fromStringz.idup);
		adapters ~= adapter;
	return adapters;

void main() {
	import std.stdio;
	auto adapters = getAdapters();
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