March 14

Hello people, I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW HOW I CAN CONNECT FROM MY SQL Server to my database. I have seen the GitHub of DDBC, but I'm getting errors. I just made this code, in my SQL Server I don't have any password or user to log in, I just want to enter the name of my database or the server.

This is the name of my server: DESKTOP-HLK011R\MSSQLSERVER02
and for example, the name of my database: BDPruebaEmpleados

import std.stdio;
import std.json;
import raylib;
import ddbc;

void main() {
	string urlServer = "ddbc:sqlserver://localhost,1433?user=sa,password=bbk4k77JKH88g54,driver=FreeTDS";

	auto conn = createConnection(urlServer);

	scope(exit) conn.close();

