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Is it possible to call a delegate at compile time?
Jun 23, 2017
Andrew Edwards
Jun 23, 2017
Jun 23, 2017
Andrew Edwards
June 23, 2017
auto foo(Args...)(ref Args args)
    with (Module!"std.conv")
    with (Module!"std.stdio") {
        return () => {
            string[] s;
            foreach (i, arg; args) {
                static if (is(Args[i] == string)) {
                    s ~= arg;
                } else {
                    s ~= to!string(arg);

            debug writeln(fmt());
            return cast(immutable)s;

template Module(string name)
    mixin("import Module = " ~ name ~ ";");

void main()
    static immutable i = 7;
    static immutable s = "teen";

    static immutable res = foo(i, s)();

I desire to call foo() at compile...  As implemented it does not happen, but it's not immediately clear what I am missing. Or is this simply not possible as yet? What is the proper way to redesign this template so that it will execute at compile time?

June 23, 2017
Andrew Edwards wrote:

> I desire to call foo() at compile...  As implemented it does not happen, but it's not immediately clear what I am missing. Or is this simply not possible as yet? What is the proper way to redesign this template so that it will execute at compile time?

there are two caveats. the first is `ref` in Args: that won't work for arguments in CTFE (it works for nested functions, though).

and second, whith you can't fight right now: "Error: closures are not yet supported in CTFE".

so no, even if you'll remove `ref`, it will not work. sorry.
June 23, 2017
On Friday, 23 June 2017 at 04:58:07 UTC, ketmar wrote:
> Andrew Edwards wrote:
> so no, even if you'll remove `ref`, it will not work. sorry.

Okay, got it. Much appreciated.