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What tool(s) do you use to build a large D project?
Jun 02, 2013
Jun 02, 2013
Adam D. Ruppe
Jun 02, 2013
June 02, 2013

What tool(s) do you use to build a D project? I looked at cmaked (and cmaked2) but both projects seem not to be under active development, there is also a bunch of other tools like dsss but all of them are an abandonware. So, if you are seriously using D, how do you build you projects? What is the mainstream way?
June 02, 2013
I just use plain old makefiles. I generally start with

    dmd *.d <flags>

and then break it out just like I would with a C++ project when the need arises (actually pretty rare, this works quite well even for my larger stuff).
June 02, 2013
I'm new to D but I'm using cmake2d as it slots right in with our existing CMake build system for C++/Java/Python. When I updated to CMake 2.8.10 I found Kitware had introduced breaking changes and a minor refactor was required.

This link explains it:

as does this:

It was a simple sed on the *.cmake files in cmake2d sources.

I also find rdmd extremely useful for building small test programs to test ideas and also scripting.